Greenhouse gases emission reduction for electric power generation sector by efficient dispatching of thermal plants integrated with renewable systems
This research aims to contribute in develo** a mathematical model for the composite
probabilistic energy emissions dispatch (CPEED) with renewable energy systems, and it …
probabilistic energy emissions dispatch (CPEED) with renewable energy systems, and it …
Exploring the effects of manufacturing servitization on enterprise energy conservation and emissions reduction moderated by digital transformation
Manufacturing servitization can reverse the low-end situation of China's manufacturing
industry, which is “big but not strong,” and is an effective path to green transformation …
industry, which is “big but not strong,” and is an effective path to green transformation …
Decarbonization efforts hindered by China's slow progress on electricity market reforms
The reform of China's electricity generation to move from a centrally planned operation
(CPO) to a market-based system has progressed slowly over the past decade. The slow …
(CPO) to a market-based system has progressed slowly over the past decade. The slow …
Coal power in China: A multi‐level perspective review
H Zhang, X Zhang, J Yuan - Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
China's coal‐fired power industry is undergoing a fundamental transformation. From a
historical perspective, we conducted a comprehensive assessment of the coal power sector …
historical perspective, we conducted a comprehensive assessment of the coal power sector …
The state-of-the-arts of peak shaving technologies: a review
A high peak demand causes the escalating cost of electricity costs for both the utility and end-
users. This paper investigates the challenges raised by the high peak demand and the state …
users. This paper investigates the challenges raised by the high peak demand and the state …
Marketization, environmental regulation, and eco-friendly productivity: A Malmquist–Luenberger index for pollution emissions of large Chinese firms
D Zhang - Journal of Asian Economics, 2021 - Elsevier
Marketization requires individuals and firms to increase energy efficiency and improve
environmental quality, and various levels of governments interested in environmental …
environmental quality, and various levels of governments interested in environmental …
Cost-optimal operation strategy for integrating large scale of renewable energy in China's power system: From a multi-regional perspective
High renewable energy penetration is an effective way to decarbonize the power system.
However, many studies focus on the economics of integrating renewables at the generation …
However, many studies focus on the economics of integrating renewables at the generation …
A comparative analysis of the life cycle environmental emissions from wind and coal power: Evidence from China
Wind power is widely regarded as a clean, low-carbon, and alternative energy source for
coal-fired power. However, quantitative studies of wind power are limited in indicating the …
coal-fired power. However, quantitative studies of wind power are limited in indicating the …
Source-sink matching and cost analysis of offshore carbon capture, utilization, and storage in China
L Sun, Q Liu, H Chen, H Yu, L Li, L Li, Y Li… - Energy, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) is an indispensable technology to
achieve carbon neutrality in China, but confined by technology and economy, the offshore …
achieve carbon neutrality in China, but confined by technology and economy, the offshore …
Carbon capture and storage in China's power sector: Optimal planning under the 2 C constraint
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has been widely recognized as a key technology to
reduce CO 2 emissions in the power sector. China's power sector needs to achieve large …
reduce CO 2 emissions in the power sector. China's power sector needs to achieve large …