The ecology and biogeochemistry of stream biofilms
Streams and rivers form dense networks, shape the Earth's surface and, in their sediments,
provide an immensely large surface area for microbial growth. Biofilms dominate microbial …
provide an immensely large surface area for microbial growth. Biofilms dominate microbial …
Soil enzymes in a changing environment: current knowledge and future directions
This review focuses on some important and challenging aspects of soil extracellular enzyme
research. We report on recent discoveries, identify key research needs and highlight the …
research. We report on recent discoveries, identify key research needs and highlight the …
Ecoenzymatic stoichiometry and ecological theory
RL Sinsabaugh, JJ Follstad Shah - Annual review of ecology …, 2012 - annualreviews.org
The net primary production of the biosphere is consumed largely by microorganisms, whose
metabolism creates the trophic base for detrital foodwebs, drives element cycles, and …
metabolism creates the trophic base for detrital foodwebs, drives element cycles, and …
Stream microbial diversity in response to environmental changes: review and synthesis of existing research
LH Zeglin - Frontiers in microbiology, 2015 - frontiersin.org
The importance of microbial activity to ecosystem function in aquatic ecosystems is well
established, but microbial diversity has been less frequently addressed. This review and …
established, but microbial diversity has been less frequently addressed. This review and …
Faecal pollution affects abundance and diversity of aquatic microbial community in anthropo-zoogenically influenced lotic ecosystems
L Paruch, AM Paruch, HG Eiken, R Sørheim - Scientific reports, 2019 - nature.com
The aquatic microbiota is known to be an important factor in the sustainability of the natural
water ecosystems. However, the microbial community also might include pathogens, which …
water ecosystems. However, the microbial community also might include pathogens, which …
[HTML][HTML] Impact of wastewater on the microbial diversity of periphyton and its tolerance to micropollutants in an engineered flow-through channel system
Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) play an important role in retaining organic matter and
nutrients but to a lesser extent micropollutants. Therefore, treated wastewater is recognized …
nutrients but to a lesser extent micropollutants. Therefore, treated wastewater is recognized …
Water physicochemical quality as driver of spatial and temporal patterns of microbial community composition in lake ecosystems
This study aimed at monitoring and management of the surface water and potentially
pathogenic microbes of Lake Tonga (Algeria) with respect to. It characterized the main …
pathogenic microbes of Lake Tonga (Algeria) with respect to. It characterized the main …
Microbial community shift via black carbon: insight into biological nitrogen removal from microbial assemblage and functional patterns
Understanding the ecological relationship of microbial community under external stimulation
is crucial for environmental restoration. Black carbon (eg, biochar) have been widely …
is crucial for environmental restoration. Black carbon (eg, biochar) have been widely …
Response of bacterial communities to environmental changes in a mesoscale subtropical watershed, Southeast China
This study used 16S rRNA gene-based pyrosequencing (16S-pyrotag) to investigate both
planktonic and benthic bacterial communities in two main tributaries (North River and West …
planktonic and benthic bacterial communities in two main tributaries (North River and West …
Unveiling salinity-driven shifts in microbial community composition across compartments of naturally saline inland streams
Riverine environments host diverse microbial communities, exhibiting distinctive assemblies
at both microscopic and macroscopic levels. Despite the complexity of microbial life in rivers …
at both microscopic and macroscopic levels. Despite the complexity of microbial life in rivers …