Shoe-insole technology for injury prevention in walking
H Nagano, RK Begg - Sensors, 2018 -
Impaired walking increases injury risk during locomotion, including falls-related acute
injuries and overuse damage to lower limb joints. Gait impairments seriously restrict …
injuries and overuse damage to lower limb joints. Gait impairments seriously restrict …
The effects of textured materials on static balance in healthy young and older adults: A systematic review with meta-analysis
Background Standing on textured materials can improve static balance, potentially by
modulating somatosensory inputs from the soles of the feet. Research question To …
modulating somatosensory inputs from the soles of the feet. Research question To …
The effect of age, sex and a firm-textured surface on postural control
F Palazzo, A Nardi, N Lamouchideli, A Caronti… - Experimental brain …, 2021 - Springer
In previous studies, the influence of plantar sensation has been examined using various
textured surfaces with different stiffness materials to assess static balance. This study …
textured surfaces with different stiffness materials to assess static balance. This study …
Effects of different lower-limb sensory stimulation strategies on postural regulation—A systematic review and meta-analysis
Systematic reviews of balance control have tended to only focus on the effects of single
lower-limb stimulation strategies, and a current limitation is the lack of comparison between …
lower-limb stimulation strategies, and a current limitation is the lack of comparison between …
Footwear decreases gait asymmetry during running
Previous research on elderly people has suggested that footwear may improve
neuromuscular control of motion. If footwear does in fact improve neuromuscular control …
neuromuscular control of motion. If footwear does in fact improve neuromuscular control …
Compression and texture in socks enhance football kicking performance
The purpose of this study was to observe effects of wearing textured insoles and clinical
compression socks on organisation of lower limb interceptive actions in develo** athletes …
compression socks on organisation of lower limb interceptive actions in develo** athletes …
The effects of textured insoles on quiet standing balance in four stance types with and without vision
Background Wearing a textured shoe insole can decrease postural sway during static
balance. Previous studies assessed bipedal and/or unipedal standing. In contrast, we aimed …
balance. Previous studies assessed bipedal and/or unipedal standing. In contrast, we aimed …
Skilled swimmers maintain performance stability under changing attentional focus constraints
Focusing attention externally, rather than internally, has generally proved advantageous as
it avoids interfering with self-organzing processes. However, some research has suggested …
it avoids interfering with self-organzing processes. However, some research has suggested …
Textured shoe insoles to improve balance performance in adults with diabetic peripheral neuropathy: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Introduction Peripheral neuropathy is a major risk factor for falls in adults with diabetes.
Innovative footwear devices which artificially manipulate the sensory environment at the feet …
Innovative footwear devices which artificially manipulate the sensory environment at the feet …
The effects of textured insoles on cortical activity and quiet bipedal standing with and without vision: An EEG study
Wearing textured insoles (TIs) can reduce static postural sway, but the neurophysiological
mechanisms by which these changes occur are not well understood. To address this issue …
mechanisms by which these changes occur are not well understood. To address this issue …