Ten years of severe plastic deformation (SPD) in Iran, part I: Equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP)
The superior properties of ultrafine-grained materials fabricated by severe plastic
deformation (SPD) have attracted the attention of many researchers around the world …
deformation (SPD) have attracted the attention of many researchers around the world …
Investigation of the effects of equal channel angular extrusion on light weight alloys
P Karpuz - 2012 - search.proquest.com
Severe plastic deformation methods are of great interest in industrial forming applications,
as they give rise to significant refinement in microstructures and improvements in …
as they give rise to significant refinement in microstructures and improvements in …
[CITARE][C] Ultrahigh-Strength Magnesium Alloys for the Future Force: A Final Report on the 5-Year Mission Program
V Hammond, S Mathaudhu, K Doherty, S Walsh…