A review of geophysical methods for soil structure characterization
The growing interest in the maintenance of favorable soil structure is largely motivated by its
central role in plant growth, soil ecological functioning, and impacts on surface water and …
central role in plant growth, soil ecological functioning, and impacts on surface water and …
Near surface electrical characterization of hydraulic conductivity: From petrophysical properties to aquifer geometries—A review
L Slater - Surveys in Geophysics, 2007 - Springer
This paper reviews the recent geophysical literature addressing the estimation of saturated
hydraulic conductivity (K) from static low frequency electrical measurements (electrical …
hydraulic conductivity (K) from static low frequency electrical measurements (electrical …
[КНИГА][B] Resistivity and induced polarization: Theory and applications to the near-surface earth
Resistivity and induced polarization methods are used for a wide range of near-surface
applications, including hydrogeology, civil engineering and archaeology, as well as …
applications, including hydrogeology, civil engineering and archaeology, as well as …
ResIPy, an intuitive open source software for complex geoelectrical inversion/modeling
Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and induced polarization (IP) methods are now
widely used in many interdisciplinary projects. Although field surveys using these methods …
widely used in many interdisciplinary projects. Although field surveys using these methods …
DC resistivity and induced polarization methods
Direct current (DC) resistivity (here referred to as resistivity) and induced polarization (IP)
methods allow, respectively, the determination of the spatial distribution of the low-frequency …
methods allow, respectively, the determination of the spatial distribution of the low-frequency …
Determination of permeability from spectral induced polarization in granular media
The surface conductivity of porous rocks has two contributions: the first is associated with the
diffuse layer coating the grains and is frequency-independent as long as the diffuse layer is …
diffuse layer coating the grains and is frequency-independent as long as the diffuse layer is …
Complex conductivity of water-saturated packs of glass beads
The low-frequency conductivity response of water-saturated packs of glass beads reflects a
combination of two processes. One process corresponds to the polarization of the …
combination of two processes. One process corresponds to the polarization of the …
Relationships between the electrical and hydrogeological properties of rocks and soils
The ability to reliably predict the hydraulic properties of subsurface formations is one of the
most important and challenging goals in hydrogeophysics. In water-saturated environments …
most important and challenging goals in hydrogeophysics. In water-saturated environments …
On the use of the Cole–Cole equations in spectral induced polarization
A Tarasov, K Titov - Geophysical Journal International, 2013 - academic.oup.com
Two different equations, both of which are often called 'the Cole–Cole equation', are widely
used to fit experimental Spectral Induced Polarization data. The data are compared on the …
used to fit experimental Spectral Induced Polarization data. The data are compared on the …
Electrical‐hydraulic relationships observed for unconsolidated sediments
We use complex conductivity measurements to predict the hydraulic conductivity (K) of
unconsolidated materials. The samples include natural sediments and artificial sand/clay …
unconsolidated materials. The samples include natural sediments and artificial sand/clay …