Citrus genomics

M Talon, FG Gmitter Jr - International journal of plant genomics, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Citrus is one of the most widespread fruit crops globally, with great economic and health
value. It is among the most difficult plants to improve through traditional breeding …

Genome-wide analysis of NBS-LRR–encoding genes in Arabidopsis

BC Meyers, A Kozik, A Griego, H Kuang… - The Plant …, 2003 -
The Arabidopsis genome contains∼ 200 genes that encode proteins with similarity to the
nucleotide binding site and other domains characteristic of plant resistance proteins …

Genetic transformation and genes for resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses in Citrus and its related genera

XQ Gong, JH Liu - Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 2013 - Springer
Citrus is the most important tree fruit crop in the world. However, citrus production is affected
by both biotic and abiotic stresses, including drought, extreme temperature, salinity, citrus …

Genome-wide identification, characterization, and expression profile of NBS-LRR gene family in sweet orange (Citrus sinensis)

T Yin, P Han, D **, W Yu, L Zhu, C Du, N Yang, X Liu… - Gene, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract Background The NBS-LRR (nucleotide-binding site-leucine-rich repeat gene) gene
family, known as the plant R (resistance) gene family with the most members, plays a …

Identification of resistance gene analogs linked to a powdery mildew resistance locus in grapevine

TM Donald, F Pellerone, AF Adam-Blondon… - Theoretical and Applied …, 2002 - Springer
Oligonucleotide primers, designed to conserved regions of nucleotide binding site (NBS)
motifs within previously cloned pathogen resistance genes, were used to amplify resistance …

Efficient targeting of plant disease resistance loci using NBS profiling

CG van der Linden, DCAE Wouters, V Mihalka… - Theoretical and Applied …, 2004 - Springer
The conserved sequences in the nucleotide-binding sites of the nucleotide-binding site-
leucine-rich repeat (NBS-LRR) class of disease resistance (R) genes have been used for …

Genome-Wide Characterization and Expression Analysis of Major Intrinsic Proteins during Abiotic and Biotic Stresses in Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osb.)

C de Paula Santos Martins, AM Pedrosa, D Du… - PLoS one, 2015 -
The family of aquaporins (AQPs), or major intrinsic proteins (MIPs), includes integral
membrane proteins that function as transmembrane channels for water and other small …

A new citrus linkage map based on SRAP, SSR, ISSR, POGP, RGA and RAPD markers

O Gulsen, A Uzun, I Canan, U Seday, E Canihos - Euphytica, 2010 - Springer
Sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP), simple sequence repeats (SSR), inter-
simple sequence repeat (ISSR), peroxidase gene polymorphism (POGP), resistant gene …

Sequence Analysis of a 282-Kilobase Region Surrounding the Citrus Tristeza Virus Resistance Gene (Ctv) Locus inPoncirus trifoliata L. Raf.

ZN Yang, XR Ye, J Molina, ML Roose… - Plant physiology, 2003 -
Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) is the major virus pathogen causing significant economic damage
to citrus worldwide, and a single dominant gene, Ctv, provides broad spectrum resistance to …

Comparative genomics to bridge Vicia faba with model and closely-related legume species: stability of QTLs for flowering and yield-related traits

S Cruz-Izquierdo, CM Avila, Z Satovic… - Theoretical and Applied …, 2012 - Springer
This study presents the development of an enhanced map in faba bean. The map contains
258 loci, mostly gene-based markers, organized in 16 linkage groups that expand 1,875 cM …