Penerapan Metode Machine Learning dalam Klasifikasi Risiko Kejadian Berat Badan Lahir Rendah di Indonesia

PR Sihombing, IF Yuliati - MATRIK: Jurnal …, 2021 -
Penelitian ini akan mengkaji penerapan beberapa metode machine learning dengan
memperhatikan kasus imbalanced data dalam pemodelan klasifikasi untuk penentuan risiko …

Movie revenue prediction based on purchase intention mining using YouTube trailer reviews

IS Ahmad, AA Bakar, MR Yaakub - Information Processing & Management, 2020 - Elsevier
The increase in acceptability and popularity of social media has made extracting information
from the data generated on social media an emerging field of research. An important branch …

[PDF][PDF] Aspect Level Songs Rating Based Upon Reviews in English.

MA Qureshi, M Asif, S Anwar, U Shaukat… - … , Materials & Continua, 2023 -
With the advancements in internet facilities, people are more inclined towards the use of
online services. The service providers shelve their items for e-users. These users post their …

[PDF][PDF] Prediksi Harga Ponsel Menggunakan Metode Random Forest

VW Siburian, IE Mulyana - Annual Research Seminar (ARS), 2019 -
Harga ponsel dapat dipengaruhi oleh spesifikasi yang dimiliki ponsel tersebut. Dengan
spesifikasi harga dapat ditentukan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan klasifikasi untuk …

Sistem klasifikasi variabel tingkat penerimaan konsumen terhadap mobil menggunakan metode random forest

YS Nugroho, N Emiliyawati - Jurnal Teknik Elektro, 2017 -
Saat ini tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa persaingan pasar industri mobil di berbagai belahan
dunia sangat ketat tak terkecuali di Indonesia. Indonesia memiliki industri manufaktur mobil …

Klasifikasi Tingkat Kualitas Udara DKI Jakarta Berdasarkan Open Government Data Menggunakan Algoritma Random Forest

A Nugroho, I Asror… - eProceedings …, 2023 - …
Kualitas udara pada kota yang memiliki padat penduduk tinggi dengan banyaknya pabrik
industri serta padatnya jalan raya oleh kendaraan seperti DKI Jakarta harus diperhatikan …

Implementation of Support Vector Machine and Random Forest for Heart Failure Disease Classification

A Rahmah, N Sepriyanti, MH Zikri… - … Research Journal of …, 2023 -
Heart failure is a life-threatening disease and its management should be considered a
global public health priority. The use of data mining in data processing operations to identify …

Content generation on social media: The role of negative peer feedback

V Deolankar, J Fong, S Sriram - Available at SSRN 4522092, 2024 -
In recent years, user-generated content (UGC) on social media platforms has received
increased scrutiny for creating a polarizing environment wherein users post extreme …

Heracles: A framework for develo** and evaluating text mining algorithms

K Schouten, F Frasincar, R Dekker… - Expert Systems with …, 2019 - Elsevier
Many of today's businesses are driven by data, and while traditionally only quantitative data
is considered, the role of textual data in our digital world is rapidly increasing. Text mining …

A Novel Approach to feature hierarchy in Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis using OWA operator

C Gupta, A Jain, N Joshi - Proceedings of 2nd International Conference …, 2019 - Springer
In today's digital age opinions enable effective decision-making ability of both the customer
and manufacturer. These opinions can be analysed using aspect-based sentiment analysis …