Cascade and pre-slip models oversimplify the complexity of earthquake preparation in nature
Earthquake precursory processes have been central to scientific inquiry for nearly a century.
Recent advancements in earthquake monitoring, geodesy, and data analysis including …
Recent advancements in earthquake monitoring, geodesy, and data analysis including …
[HTML][HTML] Laboratory experiments on fault behavior towards better understanding of injection-induced seismicity in geoenergy systems
Induced seismicity associated with fluid injection into underground formations jeopardizes
the sustainable utilization of the subsurface. Understanding the fault behavior is the key to …
the sustainable utilization of the subsurface. Understanding the fault behavior is the key to …
Slow rupture in a fluid-rich fault zone initiated the 2024 Mw 7.5 Noto earthquake
The 2024 moment magnitude 7.5 Noto Peninsula (Japan) earthquake caused devastation to
communities and was generated by a complex rupture process. Using space geodetic and …
communities and was generated by a complex rupture process. Using space geodetic and …
High‐rate fluid injection reduces the nucleation length of laboratory earthquakes on critically stressed faults in granite
We conducted fluid injection experiments on cylindrical low‐permeability granite samples
with a critically stressed sawcut fault at local injection rates of 0.2 and 0.8 mL/min and …
with a critically stressed sawcut fault at local injection rates of 0.2 and 0.8 mL/min and …
Creep fronts and complexity in laboratory earthquake sequences illuminate delayed earthquake triggering
Earthquakes occur in clusters or sequences that arise from complex triggering mechanisms,
but direct measurement of the slow subsurface slip responsible for delayed triggering is …
but direct measurement of the slow subsurface slip responsible for delayed triggering is …
Frictional process, AE characteristics, and permeability evolution of rough fractures on Longmaxi shale with specific roughness under water injection
Studying the frictional process, acoustic emission (AE) characteristics and permeability
evolution of fractures under water injection is fundamental for proposing theories and …
evolution of fractures under water injection is fundamental for proposing theories and …
[HTML][HTML] Fluid-driven slow slip and earthquake nucleation on a slip-weakening circular fault
We investigate the propagation of fluid-driven fault slip on a slip-weakening frictional
interface separating two identical half-spaces of a three-dimensional elastic solid. Our focus …
interface separating two identical half-spaces of a three-dimensional elastic solid. Our focus …
How frictional ruptures and earthquakes nucleate and evolve
Frictional motion is mediated by rapidly propagating ruptures that detach the ensemble of
contacts forming the frictional interface between contacting bodies,,,,,–. These ruptures are …
contacts forming the frictional interface between contacting bodies,,,,,–. These ruptures are …
Dynamic rupture initiation and propagation in a fluid-injection laboratory setup with diagnostics across multiple temporal scales
Fluids are known to trigger a broad range of slip events, from slow, cree** transients to
dynamic earthquake ruptures. Yet, the detailed mechanics underlying these processes and …
dynamic earthquake ruptures. Yet, the detailed mechanics underlying these processes and …
Seismic magnitude calculation based on rate-and state-dependent friction law
H Yang, B Bai, H Lin - Journal of Central South University, 2023 - Springer
In the engineering related to seismic activities, such as shale gas extraction and EGS
system, numerical simulation is a common research method. In current numerical …
system, numerical simulation is a common research method. In current numerical …