EcoForecast: An interpretable data-driven approach for short-term macroeconomic forecasting using N-BEATS neural network
X Wang, C Li, C Yi, X Xu, J Wang, Y Zhang - Engineering Applications of …, 2022 - Elsevier
It will be beneficial to devise an effective approach for short-term macroeconomic
forecasting. Existing traditional statistics-based macroeconomic forecasting mainly focuses …
forecasting. Existing traditional statistics-based macroeconomic forecasting mainly focuses …
Financial forecasting with machine learning: price vs return
Forecasting directional movement of stock price using machine learning tools has attracted
a considerable amount of research. Two of the most common input features in a directional …
a considerable amount of research. Two of the most common input features in a directional …
[HTML][HTML] Dimensionality reduction and ensemble of LSTMs for antimicrobial resistance prediction
À Hernàndez-Carnerero, M Sànchez-Marrè… - Artificial intelligence in …, 2023 - Elsevier
Bacterial resistance to antibiotics has been rapidly increasing, resulting in low antibiotic
effectiveness even treating common infections. The presence of resistant pathogens in …
effectiveness even treating common infections. The presence of resistant pathogens in …
Impact of deep learning optimizers and hyperparameter tuning on the performance of bearing fault diagnosis
Deep learning has recently resulted in remarkable performance improvements in machine
fault diagnosis using only raw input vibration signals without signal preprocessing. However …
fault diagnosis using only raw input vibration signals without signal preprocessing. However …
[HTML][HTML] How can we predict transportation stock prices using artificial intelligence? Findings from experiments with Long Short-Term Memory based algorithms
DA Kristiyanti, WBN Pramudya, SA Sanjaya - International Journal of …, 2024 - Elsevier
Inflation growth in Indonesia and other countries impacts the currency value and investors'
purchasing power, particularly in the transportation sector. This research explores the impact …
purchasing power, particularly in the transportation sector. This research explores the impact …
A machine learning ensemble approach to predicting factors affecting the intention and usage behavior towards online groceries applications in the Philippines
The emergence of e-commerce platforms, especially online grocery shop**, is heightened
by the COVID-19 pandemic. Filipino consumers started to adapt online due to the strict …
by the COVID-19 pandemic. Filipino consumers started to adapt online due to the strict …
Machine learning methods in civil engineering: a systematic review
S Kamolov - Annals of mathematics and computer science, 2024 - annalsmcs.org
Abstract Machine learning has found applications across a range of commercial enterprises.
One of the exciting industries impacted by AI has been civil engineering. The aim of this …
One of the exciting industries impacted by AI has been civil engineering. The aim of this …
Machine learning and portfolio management: a review
I Gurrib - Annals of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2022 - annalsmcs.org
Linkages across different asset classes and relationships of innovative financial products
such as cryptocurrencies and global macroeconomic events have made price and return …
such as cryptocurrencies and global macroeconomic events have made price and return …
Unlocking ETF price forecasting: Exploring the interconnections with statistical dependence-based graphs and xAI techniques
In the complex landscape of financial markets, accurately predicting Exchange-Traded Fund
(ETF) price movements requires advanced methodologies. This research introduces a …
(ETF) price movements requires advanced methodologies. This research introduces a …
[PDF][PDF] Auto-regressive integrated moving average threshold influence techniques for stock data analysis
This study focuses on predicting and estimating possible stock assets in a favorable real-
time scenario for financial markets without the involvement of outside brokers about …
time scenario for financial markets without the involvement of outside brokers about …