Pleiotropy, epistasis and the genetic architecture of quantitative traits
TFC Mackay, RRH Anholt - Nature Reviews Genetics, 2024 - nature.com
Pleiotropy (whereby one genetic polymorphism affects multiple traits) and epistasis
(whereby non-linear interactions between genetic polymorphisms affect the same trait) are …
(whereby non-linear interactions between genetic polymorphisms affect the same trait) are …
Evolution of central neural circuits: state of the art and perspectives
RJV Roberts, S Pop, LL Prieto-Godino - Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2022 - nature.com
The wide variety of animal behaviours that can be observed today arose through the
evolution of their underlying neural circuits. Advances in understanding the mechanisms …
evolution of their underlying neural circuits. Advances in understanding the mechanisms …
FlyBase: a guided tour of highlighted features
LS Gramates, J Agapite, H Attrill, BR Calvi… - Genetics, 2022 - academic.oup.com
FlyBase provides a centralized resource for the genetic and genomic data of Drosophila
melanogaster. As FlyBase enters our fourth decade of service to the research community …
melanogaster. As FlyBase enters our fourth decade of service to the research community …
Highly rearranged chromosomes reveal uncoupling between genome topology and gene expression
Chromatin topology is intricately linked to gene expression, yet its functional requirement
remains unclear. Here, we comprehensively assessed the interplay between genome …
remains unclear. Here, we comprehensively assessed the interplay between genome …
Direct observation of adaptive tracking on ecological time scales in Drosophila
Direct observation of evolution in response to natural environmental change can resolve
fundamental questions about adaptation, including its pace, temporal dynamics, and …
fundamental questions about adaptation, including its pace, temporal dynamics, and …
Making sense of genomic islands of differentiation in light of speciation
As populations diverge, genetic differences accumulate across the genome. Spurred by
rapid developments in sequencing technology, genome-wide population surveys of natural …
rapid developments in sequencing technology, genome-wide population surveys of natural …
Chromosome-scale scaffolding of de novo genome assemblies based on chromatin interactions
Genomes assembled de novo from short reads are highly fragmented relative to the finished
chromosomes of Homo sapiens and key model organisms generated by the Human …
chromosomes of Homo sapiens and key model organisms generated by the Human …
Host–transposon interactions: conflict, cooperation, and cooption
Transposable elements (TEs) are mobile DNA sequences that colonize genomes and
threaten genome integrity. As a result, several mechanisms appear to have emerged during …
threaten genome integrity. As a result, several mechanisms appear to have emerged during …
Double Digest RADseq: An Inexpensive Method for De Novo SNP Discovery and Genoty** in Model and Non-Model Species
The ability to efficiently and accurately determine genotypes is a keystone technology in
modern genetics, crucial to studies ranging from clinical diagnostics, to genotype-phenotype …
modern genetics, crucial to studies ranging from clinical diagnostics, to genotype-phenotype …
Single-fly genome assemblies fill major phylogenomic gaps across the Drosophilidae Tree of Life
Long-read sequencing is driving rapid progress in genome assembly across all major
groups of life, including species of the family Drosophilidae, a longtime model system for …
groups of life, including species of the family Drosophilidae, a longtime model system for …