Using social media marketing in the digital era: A necessity or a choice
Today is the era of digitalization. Nowadays, people prefer to attach their lives to social
media presence on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn. Hence …
media presence on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn. Hence …
[HTML][HTML] Digital Influencers' Attributes and Perceived Characterizations and Their Impact on Purchase Intentions
Research into the role of digital influencers in marketing strategies is a rapidly develo**
area that has attracted the interest of researchers and organizations. In recent years …
area that has attracted the interest of researchers and organizations. In recent years …
Enhancing customer engagement through source appearance and self-influencer congruence in mobile advertising
Purpose The aim of this study is to assess the mediating effect of source appearance (SA)
and self-influencer congruence (SIC) on the relationship between visual content (VC) and …
and self-influencer congruence (SIC) on the relationship between visual content (VC) and …
Gender differences in response to digital marketing: analyzing purchase intentions and behaviors
Social media in the prevailing era has changed the attitudes and lifestyles of all individuals,
especially university students. Given its importance, this study examines the impact of …
especially university students. Given its importance, this study examines the impact of …
The influence of user-generated content and social media travel influencers credibility on the visit intention of Generation Z
Literature has revealed that user-generated content (UGC) and social media travel
influencers (SMIs) are among the main factors influencing tourists of Generation Z's (born …
influencers (SMIs) are among the main factors influencing tourists of Generation Z's (born …
Influencers marketing and its impacts on sustainable fashion consumption among generation Z
J Ge - Journal of Soft Computing and Decision Analytics, 2024 -
This research explores the intersection of influencer marketing and sustainable fashion
purchase intentions among Generation Z in the UK and China, addressing critical …
purchase intentions among Generation Z in the UK and China, addressing critical …
Analisis Pengaruh Influencer dan EWOM terhadap Minat Beli Skincare pada Generasi Z di Kota Batam: Peran Mediasi Brand Image
Perkembangan pesat dalam industri skincare menciptakan persaingan yang semakin ketat
dan memerlukan pengembangan strategi pemasaran yang efektif. Dalam konteks ini …
dan memerlukan pengembangan strategi pemasaran yang efektif. Dalam konteks ini …
[PDF][PDF] Pengaruh kredibilitas influencer terhadap intensi pembelian produk fashion melalui kepercayaan merek pada pengguna instagram di jakarta
Media sosial Instagram merupakan platform yang memiliki jumlah influencer yang besar
sehingga dapat memengaruhi intensi pembelian seseorang. Influencer yang kredibel, yang …
sehingga dapat memengaruhi intensi pembelian seseorang. Influencer yang kredibel, yang …
Social media and women's financial empowerment in the digital economy era in Tanzania: A study of women's support groups in Dodoma City
For generations, women in Tanzania have been undermined economically despite efforts
from the government, educational institutions, and non-governmental organizations. Besides …
from the government, educational institutions, and non-governmental organizations. Besides …
Faktor yang Memengaruhi Purchase Intention melalui Brand Image pada Skincare Lokal di Kota Batam
Background–During the COVID-19 epidemic, increased consumer interest in skincare is
generating commercial potential for local skincare products in Batam City. Attractive and …
generating commercial potential for local skincare products in Batam City. Attractive and …