Unethical leadership: A review, analysis, and research agenda
Leaders play a critical role in creating the ethics agenda in organizations. Their
communications, decisions, and behaviors influence employees to act ethically or …
communications, decisions, and behaviors influence employees to act ethically or …
Toxic work climates: An integrative review and development of a new construct and theoretical framework.
Research and the media demonstrate the profound impact hostile work environments have
on organizations and their members. Often, the term “toxic work climate” is used to describe …
on organizations and their members. Often, the term “toxic work climate” is used to describe …
Managing carbon aspirations: The influence of corporate climate change targets on environmental performance
Addressing climate change is among the most challenging ethical issues facing
contemporary business and society. Unsustainable business activities are causing …
contemporary business and society. Unsustainable business activities are causing …
Purpose in management research: Navigating a complex and fragmented area of study
Management research on “purpose” is dispersed. This is because scholars apply different
perspectives on purpose, each associated with distinct approaches to its study. We find that …
perspectives on purpose, each associated with distinct approaches to its study. We find that …
Organizational justice: New insights from behavioural ethics
Both organizational justice and behavioural ethics are concerned with questions of 'right and
wrong'in the context of work organizations. Until recently they have developed largely …
wrong'in the context of work organizations. Until recently they have developed largely …
What drives trickle-down effects? A test of multiple mediation processes
Organizational research has established the existence of trickle-down effects, wherein the
perceptions, attitudes, or behavior of one person in an organization affects those of another …
perceptions, attitudes, or behavior of one person in an organization affects those of another …
Understanding how leader humility enhances employee creativity: The roles of perspective taking and cognitive reappraisal
Although the construct of leader humility has received increased attention in organizational
scholarship, there are large gaps in the empirical studies of leader humility and employee …
scholarship, there are large gaps in the empirical studies of leader humility and employee …
[HTML][HTML] Business-to-business salespeople and political skill: Relationship building, deviance, and performance
Previous research has explored the role of political skill as an intra-organizational skill but
not in the context of business-to-business seller's customer relationships and sales …
not in the context of business-to-business seller's customer relationships and sales …
Interrelation of controls for autonomous motivation: A field study of productivity gains through pressure-induced process innovation
This field study investigates an empirical setting where the introduction of new formal results
controls—stretch targets for productivity that are seemingly unachievable with current …
controls—stretch targets for productivity that are seemingly unachievable with current …
Overall justice: Past, present, and future
Although there has been some interest in overall justice for about 15 years, it is only in the
last five years that scholars have begun systematic, empirical research on the construct. In …
last five years that scholars have begun systematic, empirical research on the construct. In …