Recent progress in exploring magnetocaloric materials

BG Shen, JR Sun, FX Hu, HW Zhang… - Advanced …, 2009‏ - Wiley Online Library
The magnetic refrigeration technique based on the magnetocaloric effect (MCE) has
attracted increasing interest because of its high efficiency and environment friendliness. In …

Recent progress in Heusler-type magnetic shape memory alloys

GH Yu, YL Xu, ZH Liu, HM Qiu, ZY Zhu, XP Huang… - Rare Metals, 2015‏ - Springer
Magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMAs), both in condensed matter physics and in material
science, are one of the most extensive research subjects. They show prompt response to the …

Magnetic Field‐Induced Phase Transformation in NiMnCoIn Magnetic Shape‐Memory Alloys—A New Actuation Mechanism with Large Work Output

HE Karaca, I Karaman, B Basaran… - Advanced Functional …, 2009‏ - Wiley Online Library
Magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMAs) have recently been developed into a new class of
functional materials that are capable of magnetic‐field‐induced actuation, mechanical …

Optimization of bandgap reduction in 2-dimensional GO nanosheets and nanocomposites of GO/iron-oxide for electronic device applications

S Zainab, M Azeem, SU Awan, S Rizwan, N Iqbal… - Scientific Reports, 2023‏ -
In this report we have developed different fabrication parameters to tailor the optical
bandgap of graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets to make it operational candidate in electronic …

Enhanced magnetocaloric effect in Ni-Mn-Sn-Co alloys with two successive magnetostructural transformations

X Zhang, H Zhang, M Qian, L Geng - Scientific reports, 2018‏ -
High magnetocaloric refrigeration performance requires large magnetic entropy change ΔS
M and broad working temperature span ΔT FWHM. A fourth element do** of Co in ternary …

First-principles investigation of chemical and structural disorder in magnetic NiMnSn Heusler alloys

VV Sokolovskiy, VD Buchelnikov, MA Zagrebin… - Physical Review B …, 2012‏ - APS
We present ab initio calculations of magnetic exchange parameters of stoichiometric
Heusler compound Ni 2 MnSn and a few nonstoichiometric Ni 2 Mn 1+ x Sn 1− x cases. Use …

Large reversible magnetocaloric effect in a Ni-Co-Mn-In magnetic shape memory alloy

L Huang, DY Cong, L Ma, ZH Nie, ZL Wang… - Applied Physics …, 2016‏ -
Reversibility of the magnetocaloric effect in materials with first-order magnetostructural
transformation is of vital significance for practical magnetic refrigeration applications. Here …

First order magneto-structural phase transition and associated multi-functional properties in magnetic solids

SB Roy - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2013‏ -
We show that the first order magneto-structural phase transitions observed in various
classes of magnetic solids are often accompanied by useful multi-functional properties …

Magnetocaloric effect in melt spun Ni50. 3Mn35. 5Sn14. 4 ribbons

B Hernando, JL Sánchez Llamazares… - Applied Physics …, 2008‏ -
We determined the magnetic entropy change and refrigerant capacity of melt spun Ni 50.3
Mn 35.5 Sn 14.4 ribbons around both the structural and the magnetic transitions for a field of …

Magnetocaloric effect in large temperature window on off-stoichiometric Ni-Mn-Ga-based Heusler alloys

S Datta, SS Dheke, SK Panda, SN Rout, T Das… - Journal of Alloys and …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Abstract Nickel-Manganese-Gallium-based Heusler alloys have been extensively studied for
magnetic cooling applications with different compositions. However, the large hysteresis and …