Memory power management via dynamic voltage/frequency scaling
Energy efficiency and energy-proportional computing have become a central focus in
enterprise server architecture. As thermal and electrical constraints limit system power, and …
enterprise server architecture. As thermal and electrical constraints limit system power, and …
A survey of architectural techniques for DRAM power management
S Mittal - … Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture, 2012 - inderscienceonline.com
Recent trends of CMOS technology scaling and wide-spread use of multicore processors
have dramatically increased the power consumption of main memory. It has been estimated …
have dramatically increased the power consumption of main memory. It has been estimated …
Towards energy-proportional datacenter memory with mobile DRAM
To increase datacenter energy efficiency, we need memory systems that keep pace with
processor efficiency gains. Currently, servers use DDR3 memory, which is designed for high …
processor efficiency gains. Currently, servers use DDR3 memory, which is designed for high …
Energy-efficient server clusters
This paper evaluates five policies for cluster-wide power management in server farms. The
policies employ various combinations of dynamic voltage scaling and node vary-on/vary-off …
policies employ various combinations of dynamic voltage scaling and node vary-on/vary-off …
What your DRAM power models are not telling you: Lessons from a detailed experimental study
Main memory (DRAM) consumes as much as half of the total system power in a computer
today, due to the increasing demand for memory capacity and bandwidth. There is a …
today, due to the increasing demand for memory capacity and bandwidth. There is a …
Seeds: A software engineer's energy-optimization decision support framework
Reducing the energy usage of software is becoming more important in many environments,
in particular, battery-powered mobile devices, embedded systems and data centers. Recent …
in particular, battery-powered mobile devices, embedded systems and data centers. Recent …
Coscale: Coordinating cpu and memory system dvfs in server systems
Recent work has introduced memory system dynamic voltage and frequency scaling
(DVFS), and has suggested that balanced scaling of both CPU and the memory system is …
(DVFS), and has suggested that balanced scaling of both CPU and the memory system is …
ECOSystem: Managing energy as a first class operating system resource
Energy consumption has recently been widely recognized as a major challenge of computer
systems design. This paper explores how to support energy as a first-class operating system …
systems design. This paper explores how to support energy as a first-class operating system …
Rethinking DRAM design and organization for energy-constrained multi-cores
DRAM vendors have traditionally optimized the cost-per-bit metric, often making design
decisions that incur energy penalties. A prime example is the overfetch feature in DRAM …
decisions that incur energy penalties. A prime example is the overfetch feature in DRAM …
Machine learning for power, energy, and thermal management on multicore processors: A survey
Due to the high integration density and roadblock of voltage scaling, modern multicore
processors experience higher power densities than previous technology scaling nodes …
processors experience higher power densities than previous technology scaling nodes …