Intense few-cycle laser fields: Frontiers of nonlinear optics
The rise time of intense radiation determines the maximum field strength atoms can be
exposed to before their polarizability dramatically drops due to the detachment of an outer …
exposed to before their polarizability dramatically drops due to the detachment of an outer …
Optics in the relativistic regime
The advent of ultraintense laser pulses generated by the technique of chirped pulse
amplification (CPA) along with the development of high-fluence laser materials has opened …
amplification (CPA) along with the development of high-fluence laser materials has opened …
Subpicosecond, electromagnetic pulses from intense laser-plasma interaction
Laser pulses with a power of 10 12 W and a duration of 10− 13 s were focused onto both
gas and solid targets. Strong emission of pulsed radiation at terahertz frequencies was …
gas and solid targets. Strong emission of pulsed radiation at terahertz frequencies was …
Terawatt to petawatt subpicosecond lasers
The application of the chirped-pulse amplification technique to solid-state lasers combined
with the availability of broad-bandwidth materials has made possible the development of …
with the availability of broad-bandwidth materials has made possible the development of …
High power ultrafast lasers
In this article, we review progress in the development of high peak-power ultrafast lasers,
and discuss in detail the design issues which determine the performance of these systems …
and discuss in detail the design issues which determine the performance of these systems …
Nobel Lecture: Extreme light physics and application
Nobel Lecture: Extreme light physics and application* Page 1 Nobel Lecture: Extreme light
physics and application * Gerard Mourou † Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex …
physics and application * Gerard Mourou † Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex …
Light pipe for high intensity laser pulses
Optical guiding of intense laser pulses over a distance of more than 20 Rayleigh lengths in a
plasma is demonstrated using a two-pulse technique. The first pulse prepares a shock …
plasma is demonstrated using a two-pulse technique. The first pulse prepares a shock …
Short-pulse terahertz radiation from high-intensity-laser-produced plasmas
The interaction between high-intensity, ultrashort laser pulses and plasmas leads to the
emission of coherent, short-pulse radiation at terahertz frequencies. In this work we discuss …
emission of coherent, short-pulse radiation at terahertz frequencies. In this work we discuss …
High-efficiency multilayer dielectric diffraction gratings
MD Perry, RD Boyd, JA Britten, D Decker, BW Shore… - Optics letters, 1995 - opg.optica.org
The design and performance of a new type of high-efficiency diffraction grating for use in
either transmission or reflection are described. The gratings are produced in a multilayer …
either transmission or reflection are described. The gratings are produced in a multilayer …
Development of a plasma waveguide for high-intensity laser pulses
We present a comprehensive report on recent experiments [Durfee and Milchberg, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 71, 2409 (1993); Durfee, Lynch, and Milchberg, Opt. Lett. 19, 1937 (1994)] in …
Rev. Lett. 71, 2409 (1993); Durfee, Lynch, and Milchberg, Opt. Lett. 19, 1937 (1994)] in …