Phase change material (PCM) integrations into buildings in hot climates with simulation access for energy performance and thermal comfort: A review
One of the most energy-efficient alternatives for building envelope applications is the use of
phase change materials (PCMs). The PCMs addressed simulation tools, classification …
phase change materials (PCMs). The PCMs addressed simulation tools, classification …
[HTML][HTML] Incorporation of phase change materials into building envelope for thermal comfort and energy saving: A comprehensive analysis
Building envelope is a key element in providing adequate energy and thermal comfort
performance to buildings. In this regard, improvement solutions are implemented in recent …
performance to buildings. In this regard, improvement solutions are implemented in recent …
Thermal performance of the building envelope integrated with phase change material for thermal energy storage: an updated review.
One of the major sources of end-use of energy in buildings is consumed in space cooling for
improving indoor thermal comfort. Climate extremities like heat waves and extreme …
improving indoor thermal comfort. Climate extremities like heat waves and extreme …
Recent progress, limitations, and future directions of macro-encapsulated phase change materials for building applications
This review discusses macro-encapsulated phase change materials (PCMs) as a major
contributing factor in the development of future sustainable and energy-efficient heating and …
contributing factor in the development of future sustainable and energy-efficient heating and …
Enhanced thermophysical properties of organic PCM through shape stabilization for thermal energy storage in buildings: A state of the art review
Thermal energy storage using organic Phase Change Material (PCM) can play an important
role in effective thermal management of the building. Organic PCM are widely utilized to …
role in effective thermal management of the building. Organic PCM are widely utilized to …
Improvement in thermal properties of PCM/Expanded vermiculite/expanded graphite shape stabilized composite PCM for building energy applications
This work investigates the combined effect of loading Expanded Graphite (EG) and
Expanded Vermiculite (EV) on the thermophysical properties of the low-cost commercially …
Expanded Vermiculite (EV) on the thermophysical properties of the low-cost commercially …
[HTML][HTML] Thermal management of shelter building walls by PCM macro-encapsulation in commercial hollow bricks
Maintaining building indoor temperature within comfort zone has been identified as one of
the major reasons for energy consumption. The incorporation of phase change materials …
the major reasons for energy consumption. The incorporation of phase change materials …
Location optimization of phase change material for thermal energy storage in concrete block for development of energy efficient buildings
Abstract Improving Thermal Energy Storage (TES) of buildings using Phase Change
Material (PCM) is widely used to develop energy efficient building envelope. In this study …
Material (PCM) is widely used to develop energy efficient building envelope. In this study …
A comprehensive review of the thermal performance in energy efficient building envelope incorporated with phase change materials
As the world's largest energy consumer, the building sector is under growing pressure to
reduce energy consumption and CO 2 emissions. To confront this challenge, the thermal …
reduce energy consumption and CO 2 emissions. To confront this challenge, the thermal …
A comprehensive review of direct solar desalination techniques and its advancements
Demand of fresh water is rising continuously because of increase in population. This has
created an undue burden on limited reserves of fresh water. Desalination is one of the …
created an undue burden on limited reserves of fresh water. Desalination is one of the …