Does food marketing need to make us fat? A review and solutions

P Chandon, B Wansink - Nutrition reviews, 2012‏ -
Food marketing is often singled out as the leading cause of the obesity epidemic. The
present review examines current food marketing practices to determine how exactly they …

Is food marketing making us fat? A multi-disciplinary review

P Chandon, B Wansink - Foundations and Trends® in …, 2011‏ -
Whereas everyone recognizes that increasing obesity rates worldwide are driven by a
complex set of interrelated factors, the marketing actions of the food industry are often …

The role of numbers in the customer journey

S Santana, M Thomas, VG Morwitz - Journal of Retailing, 2020‏ - Elsevier
At each stage in customers' journeys, they encounter different types of numeric information
that they process using different judgment strategies. Relevant numbers might include …

[ספר][B] Understanding consumer financial behavior: Money management in an age of financial illiteracy

WF Van Raaij - 2016‏ -
Government policies, marketing campaigns of banks, insurance companies, and other
financial institutions, and consumers' protective actions all depend on assumptions about …

Is bigger better? How the scale effect influences green purchase intention: The case of washing machine

C Hou, E Sarigöllü - Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2022‏ - Elsevier
To stimulate purchase of green products, retailers and marketers need to know how to
effectively present benefits of green products, specifically by numerical information …

On the descriptive value of loss aversion in decisions under risk: Six clarifications

E Ert, I Erev - Judgment and Decision making, 2013‏ -
Previous studies of loss aversion in decisions under risk have led to mixed results. Losses
appear to loom larger than gains in some settings, but not in others. The current paper …

Can judges make reliable numeric judgments: distorted damages and skewed sentences

JJ Rachlinski, AJ Wistrich, C Guthrie - Ind. LJ, 2015‏ - HeinOnline
How many words, on average, did law review articles published in 2012 contain? Before
you answer, was it more or less than 11,432,839 words? The word count in law reviews is …

Years, months, and days versus 1, 12, and 365: The influence of units versus numbers

A Monga, R Bagchi - Journal of Consumer Research, 2012‏ -
Quantitative changes may be conveyed to consumers using small units (eg, change in
delivery time from 7 to 21 days) or large units (1–3 weeks). Numerosity research suggests …

How and why 1 year differs from 365 days: A conversational logic analysis of inferences from the granularity of quantitative expressions

YC Zhang, N Schwarz - Journal of Consumer Research, 2012‏ -
The same quantity can be expressed at different levels of granularity, for example,“1
year,”“12 months,” or “365 days.” Consumers attend to the granularity chosen by a …

Swayed by the numbers: the consequences of displaying product review attributes

J Watson, AP Ghosh, M Trusov - Journal of Marketing, 2018‏ -
Prior research has shown the independent effects of average product ratings and number of
reviews for online purchases, but the relative influence of these aggregate review attributes …