Constructing authenticity on TikTok: Social norms and social support on the" Fun" Platform
Authenticity, generally regarded as coherence between one's inner self and outward
behavior, is associated with myriad social values (eg, integrity) and beneficial outcomes …
behavior, is associated with myriad social values (eg, integrity) and beneficial outcomes …
For you, or for" you"? Everyday LGBTQ+ encounters with TikTok
Online communities provide spaces for people who are vulnerable and underserved to seek
support and build community, such as LGBTQ+ people. Today, some online community …
support and build community, such as LGBTQ+ people. Today, some online community …
Dying, Death, and the Afterlife in Human-Computer Interaction. A Sco** Review.
Dying is a universal experience that entails uncertainty, loss, and termination. Often, people
face death unprepared and miss out on opportunities to shape their final stage of life as well …
face death unprepared and miss out on opportunities to shape their final stage of life as well …
Towards an integration of individualistic, networked, and institutional approaches to online disclosure and privacy in a networked ecology
Highlights•Individualistic, networked, and institutional perspectives on disclosure and
privacy.•Each perspective circumscribes privacy at a particular level of information …
privacy.•Each perspective circumscribes privacy at a particular level of information …
Social support, reciprocity, and anonymity in responses to sexual abuse disclosures on social media
Seeking and providing support is challenging. When people disclose sensitive information,
audience responses can substantially impact the discloser's wellbeing. We use mixed …
audience responses can substantially impact the discloser's wellbeing. We use mixed …
Something personal from the metaverse: goals, topics, and contextual factors of self-disclosure in commercial social VR
Current Social VR literature provides limited insight on one of the most critical behaviors for
develo** and maintaining interpersonal relationships: self-disclosure. Therefore, we …
develo** and maintaining interpersonal relationships: self-disclosure. Therefore, we …
The human in emotion recognition on social media: Attitudes, outcomes, risks
N Andalibi, J Buss - Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human …, 2020 -
Emotion recognition algorithms recognize, infer, and harvest emotions using data sources
such as social media behavior, streaming service use, voice, facial expressions, and …
such as social media behavior, streaming service use, voice, facial expressions, and …
Self-declared throwaway accounts on Reddit: How platform affordances and shared norms enable parenting disclosure and support
Parents can be subjected to scrutiny and judgment for their parenting choices. Much of this
scrutiny is experienced online, especially around stigmatized topics such as divorce …
scrutiny is experienced online, especially around stigmatized topics such as divorce …
Social media as social transition machinery
O Haimson - Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer …, 2018 -
Social media, and people's online self-presentations and social networks, add complexity to
people's experiences managing changing identities during life transitions. I use gender …
people's experiences managing changing identities during life transitions. I use gender …
The channel matters: Self-disclosure, reciprocity and social support in online cancer support groups
People with health concerns go to online health support groups to obtain help and advice.
To do so, they frequently disclose personal details, many times in public. Although research …
To do so, they frequently disclose personal details, many times in public. Although research …