Pragmatic communication abilities in children and adults: Implications for rehabilitation professionals

LS Turkstra, A Clark, S Burgess, JA Hengst… - Disability and …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to provide a review of pragmatic communication ability
and its disorders, as a resource for rehabilitation team members. This review is a product of …

Cognitive pragmatics: The mental processes of communication

BG Bara - 2011 -
The basic idea behind this work is that communication is essentially a cooperative activity
between two or more people in which the meanings of each transaction are constructed by …

Social communication disorder: A narrative review on current insights

Z Topal, N Demir Samurcu, S Taskiran… - Neuropsychiatric …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Social communication disorder (SCD) is a novel diagnosis listed under the rubric of
communication disorders within the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5 …

Language profiles in ASD, SLI, and ADHD

HM Geurts, M Embrechts - Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 2008 - Springer
Developmental disorders might differ in their language profiles when using parent reports.
The first study indicated that school aged children with ASD have similar language profiles …

Pragmatic impairment

MR Perkins - The handbook of language and speech disorders, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Pragmatic impairment1 is a term used in connection with individuals who experience
difficulties with language use. Rather than referring to a straightforward, unitary disorder, this …

[KNYGA][B] Pragmatic disorders across the life span

L Cummings, L Cummings - 2014 - Springer
There is now an extensive empirical literature on the nature and extent of pragmatic
disorders in a range of clinical populations. This chapter attempts to organize the findings of …

Linguistic markers of autism in girls: evidence of a “blended phenotype” during storytelling

J Boorse, M Cola, S Plate, L Yankowitz, J Pandey… - Molecular autism, 2019 - Springer
Background Narrative abilities are linked to social impairment in autism spectrum disorder
(ASD), such that reductions in words about cognitive processes (eg, think, know) are thought …

How children comprehend speech acts and communicative gestures

M Bucciarelli, L Colle, BG Bara - Journal of pragmatics, 2003 - Elsevier
We propose a framework for explaining difference in difficulty of various pragmatic
phenomena. In particular, we investigate the ability to comprehend direct, indirect, deceitful …

Use of context in pragmatic language comprehension by children with Asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism

S Loukusa, E Leinonen, S Kuusikko, K Jussila… - Journal of autism and …, 2007 - Springer
Utilizing relevance theory, this study investigated the ability of children with Asperger
syndrome (AS) and high-functioning autism (HFA) to use context when answering questions …

Mindful storytellers: Emerging pragmatics and theory of mind development

C Fernández - First Language, 2013 -
Emerging pragmatic language skills involve social, cognitive and linguistic abilities,
including children's awareness of the conversational partner's mental states. The present …