Signal propagation in complex networks
Signal propagation in complex networks drives epidemics, is responsible for information
going viral, promotes trust and facilitates moral behavior in social groups, enables the …
going viral, promotes trust and facilitates moral behavior in social groups, enables the …
Propagation of wind-power-induced fluctuations in power grids
Renewable generators perturb the electric power grid with heavily non-Gaussian and time
correlated fluctuations. While changes in generated power on timescales of minutes and …
correlated fluctuations. While changes in generated power on timescales of minutes and …
Topological determinants of perturbation spreading in networks
Spreading phenomena essentially underlie the dynamics of various natural and
technological networked systems, yet how spatiotemporal propagation patterns emerge from …
technological networked systems, yet how spatiotemporal propagation patterns emerge from …
Spreading of disturbances in realistic models of transmission grids in dependence on topology, inertia and heterogeneity
The energy transition towards more renewable energy resources (RER) profoundly affects
the frequency dynamics and stability of electrical power networks. Here, we investigate …
the frequency dynamics and stability of electrical power networks. Here, we investigate …
Global robustness versus local vulnerabilities in complex synchronous networks
In complex network-coupled dynamical systems, two questions of central importance are
how to identify the most vulnerable components and how to devise a network making the …
how to identify the most vulnerable components and how to devise a network making the …
The network topology metrics contributing to local-area frequency stability in power system networks
The power system network topology influences the system frequency response to power
imbalance disturbances. Here, the objective is to find the network metric (s) contributing to …
imbalance disturbances. Here, the objective is to find the network metric (s) contributing to …
Fluctuation response patterns of network dynamics–An introduction
Networked dynamical systems, ie, systems of dynamical units coupled via nontrivial
interaction topologies, constitute models of broad classes of complex systems, ranging from …
interaction topologies, constitute models of broad classes of complex systems, ranging from …
Dynamic perturbation spreading in networks
Understanding how local perturbations induce the transient dynamics of a network of
coupled units is essential to control and operate such systems. Often a perturbation initiated …
coupled units is essential to control and operate such systems. Often a perturbation initiated …
Bullwhip effect of supply networks: Joint impact of network structure and market demand
The progressive amplification of fluctuations in demand as the demand travels upstream the
supply chains is known as the bullwhip effect. We first analytically characterize the bullwhip …
supply chains is known as the bullwhip effect. We first analytically characterize the bullwhip …
Propagation patterns unravelled
Propagation patterns unravelled | Nature Physics Skip to main content Thank you for visiting You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best … You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best …