Physical prior mean function-driven Gaussian processes search for minimum-energy reaction paths with a climbing-image nudged elastic band: a general method for …
The climbing-image nudged elastic band (CI-NEB) method serves as an indispensable tool
for computational chemists, offering insight into minimum-energy reaction paths (MEPs) by …
for computational chemists, offering insight into minimum-energy reaction paths (MEPs) by …
Algorithmic differentiation for automated modeling of machine learned force fields
Reconstructing force fields (FFs) from atomistic simulation data is a challenge since accurate
data can be highly expensive. Here, machine learning (ML) models can help to be data …
data can be highly expensive. Here, machine learning (ML) models can help to be data …
Exploring torsional conformer space with physical prior mean function-driven meta-Gaussian processes
We present a novel approach for systematically exploring the conformational space of small
molecules with multiple internal torsions. Identifying unique conformers through a systematic …
molecules with multiple internal torsions. Identifying unique conformers through a systematic …
Dual-level training of Gaussian processes with physically inspired priors for geometry optimizations
Gaussian process (GP) regression has been recently developed as an effective method in
molecular geometry optimization. The prior mean function is one of the crucial parts of the …
molecular geometry optimization. The prior mean function is one of the crucial parts of the …
A spur to molecular geometry optimization: Gradient-enhanced universal kriging with on-the-fly adaptive ab initio prior mean functions in curvilinear coordinates
We present a molecular geometry optimization algorithm based on the gradient-enhanced
universal kriging (GEUK) formalism with ab initio prior mean functions, which incorporates …
universal kriging (GEUK) formalism with ab initio prior mean functions, which incorporates …
First-principle oligopeptide structural optimization with physical prior mean-driven Gaussian processes: a test of synergistic impacts of the kernel functional and …
First-principle molecular structural determination is critical in many aspects of computational
modeling, and yet, the precise determination of a local minimum for a large-sized organic …
modeling, and yet, the precise determination of a local minimum for a large-sized organic …
Integrating Chemical Information into Reinforcement Learning for Enhanced Molecular Geometry Optimization
YC Chang, YP Li - Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2023 - ACS Publications
Geometry optimization is a crucial step in computational chemistry, and the efficiency of
optimization algorithms plays a pivotal role in reducing computational costs. In this study, we …
optimization algorithms plays a pivotal role in reducing computational costs. In this study, we …
Geometry meta-optimization
Recent work has demonstrated the promise of using machine-learned surrogates, in
particular, Gaussian process (GP) surrogates, in reducing the number of electronic structure …
particular, Gaussian process (GP) surrogates, in reducing the number of electronic structure …
Surrogate modeling of the effective elastic properties of spherical particle-reinforced composite materials
JC García-Merino, C Calvo-Jurado… - Journal of Mathematical …, 2022 - Springer
This paper focuses on the development of a surrogate model to predict the macroscopic
elastic properties of polymer composites doped with spherical particles. To this aim, a …
elastic properties of polymer composites doped with spherical particles. To this aim, a …