Changes of employee motivation of Slovak enterprises due to global economic crisis

J Závadský, M Hitka, M Potkány - 2015 -
The year 2008 can be considered the beginning of the economic crisis in Slovakia when we
really started to feel the pressure of the financial crisis. However, hardly anybody expected it …

[HTML][HTML] Human resource management in sustainable development

V Sukalova, Z Stofkova, J Stofkova - Sustainability, 2022 -
The article deals with human resource management and selected personnel indicators in
sustainable development. The main goal of this paper is to analyse and describe human …

[PDF][PDF] Employee retention and development in pulp and paper companies

M Vetráková, J Ďurian, M Seková, A Kaščáková - BioResources, 2016 -
The aim of this paper is to present the opinions of professionals from the pulp and paper
industry about employee development, as well as the necessity of competent employee …

[PDF][PDF] Manažment ľudských zdrojov

G Kravčáková, D Bernátová - Košice: Univerzita PJŠ Košice, 2014 -
V každej organizácii (verejnej aj súkromnej) sú ľudia jedným zo zdrojov transformačného
procesu. Zásadnou požiadavkou na transformačný proces je efektívnosť. Úlohou …

[SÁCH][B] Post-pandemic business management: adjusting people management to new conditions during and after the Covid-19 pandemic

Z Joniaková, M Matulčíková, H Gažová-Adamková - 2023 -
The monograph has not gone through language proofreading. The authors themselves are
responsible for the scientific and professional content of the monograph, as well as for the …

Deceptive Practices Used in Contemporary Marketing Communication and their Evaluation from Customer Perspective in Slovak Republic

K Gubiniova, GP Bartakova - International Review of Management …, 2017 -
Satisfying customer needs in order for an organisation to achieve a defined profitability on
the one hand and to have satisfied customers on the other has been characteristic of …

[PDF][PDF] The importance of human resources management in business practice in Slovakia

M Vetráková, L Smerek, M Seková - Vision 2020: sustainable …, 2017 -
We suppose that enterprises are run by competent managers who have a clear vision,
knowledge, good will, and they are able to achieve it. Competence of managers is a …


M HITKA, Ž BALÁŽOVÁ… - … Resources Management & …, 2012 -
Career as a part of human resource management and life of each employee is irretrievable
part in job skill formation of a man–employee. In the paper a way of employee career …

[PDF][PDF] Podnikání v hotelnictví

P Pellešová, P Kajzar - SU OPF, 2016 -
Anotace: Studijní opora je určena studentům oboru Podniková ekonomika a management,
specializace Management hotelnictví, ale i dalším zájemcům, kteří se problematikou …


S Konečný -
„Vzdelávacia politika je mladá ale značne obsiahla disciplína “(Veselý 2005, s. 278). Toto
konštatovanie sa môže javiť na prvý pohľad ako veľmi prekvapujúce–veď vzdelávanie (nech …