A Study on the Effectiveness of Offensive Wi-Fi Network Security Management

NB Khodadady - 2024 - search.proquest.com
Rapid adoption of cellular mobile device usage in the last decade has greatly increased the
attack surface for malicious actors to exploit and gain access to sensitive personal data. The …

Disain alat monitoring real-time dari kualitas air tambak udang berbasis internet of things

FI Pasaribu, ES Nasution, L Nasution… - … Elektrikal dan Energi) …, 2024 - jurnal.umsu.ac.id
Tambak merupakan salah satu jenis habitat yang digunakan untuk pertanian air pesisir, di
mana pertanian berkelanjutan dapat menyebabkan degradasi lingkungan, yang ditandai …

Mobile Proxy in Public WiFi Networks: A Tool Against MITM Attacks

N Xhemajli, Z Tafa - 2024 13th Mediterranean Conference on …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Public WiFi networks are highly vulnerable to cyberattacks. Man-in-the-middle attack (MITM)
can do great damage to data-sensitive (eg, business) users. This research explores the …

Man-in-the-Portal: Breaking SSL/TLS Silently Abusing Captive Portal

K Kimura, H Kuzuno, Y Shiraishi… - Journal of Information …, 2024 - jstage.jst.go.jp
The proliferation of public hotspots has led to the use of captive portals to protect hotspots
and ensure their appropriate use. Captive portals control external sessions until user …

10 Implications of artificial intelligence in cybersecurity for individuals

KJ Engemann, HE Miller - Cybersecurity Risk Management …, 2024 - degruyter.com
Cybersecurity is designed with the goals of safeguarding the privacy, accessibility and
integrity of information, while protecting it from various threats. Cybersecurity is a dynamic …

Hq-Wids: High Quality Wireless Intrusion Detection System Based on Cnn

IF Kilincer - Available at SSRN 4972430 - papers.ssrn.com
The widespread use of Wi-Fi networks expands the attack surface, which causes many
security risks. Fort his reason, a high performance method is proposed for the intrusion …