Innate green propensity: precursors of ecopreneurial intentions among Indonesian education human resources university
The dynamic growth of the human population has played a significant role in changing
purchasing patterns, thereby contributing, along with other influences, to a major impact on …
purchasing patterns, thereby contributing, along with other influences, to a major impact on …
Empowering youth for sustainability in universities: service-learning and the willingness to act
Purpose Service-learning (SL) shows potential to respond to the global policy agenda of
education for sustainable development (ESD) by increasing pro-sustainability competences …
education for sustainable development (ESD) by increasing pro-sustainability competences …
The influence of a gender equality course in tourism on university students' SDG knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP)
Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of an online course on gender
equality in tourism on the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of students concerning …
equality in tourism on the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of students concerning …
Creating community-based tourism resilience: The transformative impact of service-learning in Jodipan
A Voak, B Fairman - Journal of Resilient Economies, 2024 - search.informit.org
This paper explores the collaborative social development achieved between a university in
Malang, an industrial paint manufacturer, and the slum community of Jodipan, situated …
Malang, an industrial paint manufacturer, and the slum community of Jodipan, situated …
Learning organizations and sustainability outcomes in tourism: the mediating role of sustainable practices
Purpose This study aims to investigate the influence of learning organization characteristics
on sustainability outcomes in the tourism sector, with a specific focus on sustainable tourism …
on sustainability outcomes in the tourism sector, with a specific focus on sustainable tourism …
Geografía y ApS para la enseñanza social, espacial, cultural y territorial en la universidad
EMM Espinosa, AFA López-Manzanares - European Public & Social …, 2024 - epsir.net
Introducción: Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal promover el estudio de procesos y
dinámicas complejas desde una perspectiva socioespacial, utilizando la metodología de …
dinámicas complejas desde una perspectiva socioespacial, utilizando la metodología de …
Optimizing Google Apps in Improving the Skills and Productivity of the Young Generation of Bojong Village Pondok Kelapa
Effective and efficient administrative and office management remains a primary challenge for
organizations in the digital era. This community service activity aims to enhance the …
organizations in the digital era. This community service activity aims to enhance the …