Innate green propensity: precursors of ecopreneurial intentions among Indonesian education human resources university

M Alfarizi, H Herdiansyah - The International Journal of Management …, 2024 - Elsevier
The dynamic growth of the human population has played a significant role in changing
purchasing patterns, thereby contributing, along with other influences, to a major impact on …

Empowering youth for sustainability in universities: service-learning and the willingness to act

A Alvarez-Vanegas, L Volante - International Journal of Sustainability …, 2024 -
Purpose Service-learning (SL) shows potential to respond to the global policy agenda of
education for sustainable development (ESD) by increasing pro-sustainability competences …

The influence of a gender equality course in tourism on university students' SDG knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP)

AI Muñoz-Mazón, T Villacé-Molinero… - International Journal of …, 2024 -
Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of an online course on gender
equality in tourism on the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of students concerning …

Creating community-based tourism resilience: The transformative impact of service-learning in Jodipan

A Voak, B Fairman - Journal of Resilient Economies, 2024 -
This paper explores the collaborative social development achieved between a university in
Malang, an industrial paint manufacturer, and the slum community of Jodipan, situated …

Learning organizations and sustainability outcomes in tourism: the mediating role of sustainable practices

M Showkat, R Nagina - The Learning Organization, 2024 -
Purpose This study aims to investigate the influence of learning organization characteristics
on sustainability outcomes in the tourism sector, with a specific focus on sustainable tourism …

Geografía y ApS para la enseñanza social, espacial, cultural y territorial en la universidad

EMM Espinosa, AFA López-Manzanares - European Public & Social …, 2024 -
Introducción: Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal promover el estudio de procesos y
dinámicas complejas desde una perspectiva socioespacial, utilizando la metodología de …

Optimizing Google Apps in Improving the Skills and Productivity of the Young Generation of Bojong Village Pondok Kelapa

Y Sofyan, A Yudha, S Syofian, BT Mahardika - Jurnal Pengabdian …, 2024 -
Effective and efficient administrative and office management remains a primary challenge for
organizations in the digital era. This community service activity aims to enhance the …