Exercise, cognition, and the adolescent brain

MM Herting, X Chu - Birth defects research, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Background Few adolescents engage in the recommended levels of physical activity, and
daily exercise levels tend to drastically decrease throughout adolescence. Beyond physical …

[HTML][HTML] Active commuting to and from school, cognitive performance, and academic achievement in children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis …

A Ruiz-Hermosa, C Álvarez-Bueno… - International Journal of …, 2019 - mdpi.com
Background: Physical activity has a beneficial effect on the brain's development process and
cognitive function. However, no review to date has evaluated the effects of active commuting …

Associations between organized sports participation and objectively measured physical activity, sedentary time and weight status in youth

A Marques, U Ekelund, LB Sardinha - Journal of Science and Medicine in …, 2016 - Elsevier
Objectives The purpose of this study was to examine whether participation in organized
sports is related to achieving physical activity recommendations, body mass index (BMI) …

Independent and relative effects of stress, depressive symptoms, and affect on college students' daily health behaviors

ED Dalton, CL Hammen - Journal of behavioral medicine, 2018 - Springer
Stress and depressive symptoms are associated with maladaptive health behavior practices
such as unhealthy eating, sedentary behavior, insufficient sleep, and substance use. The …

Reference values for wrist-worn accelerometer physical activity metrics in England children and adolescents

SJ Fairclough, AV Rowlands, B del Pozo Cruz… - International Journal of …, 2023 - Springer
Background Over the last decade use of raw acceleration metrics to assess physical activity
has increased. Metrics such as Euclidean Norm Minus One (ENMO), and Mean Amplitude …

Self-efficacy, beliefs, and goals: Moderation of declining physical activity during adolescence.

RK Dishman, KL McIver, M Dowda… - Health …, 2019 - psycnet.apa.org
Objective: To examine whether the decline in physical activity observed from childhood
through adolescence is explained by moderating effects of self-efficacy on concurrent …

Basic psychological needs, physical self-concept, and physical activity among adolescents: Autonomy in focus

R Fraguela-Vale, L Varela-Garrote… - Frontiers in …, 2020 - frontiersin.org
The contribution of this research lies in its dual approach to the question of physical activity
(PA) among adolescents, combining objective measurement of PA by teenagers and a …

Exploring the adolescent fall in physical activity: a 10-yr cohort study (EarlyBird 41)

BS Metcalf, J Hosking, AN Jeffery, WE Henley, T Wilkin - 2015 - ore.exeter.ac.uk
INTRODUCTION: Contemporary adolescents are deemed inactive, especially girls, but
whether for biological reasons associated with their maturation, changes in their behavior or …

Declining physical activity and motivation from middle school to high school

RK Dishman, KL McIver, M Dowda… - Medicine and science …, 2018 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Purpose To determine whether naturally-occurring changes in intrinsic motivation,
behavioral regulation, and goals mitigate declining physical activity among adolescents …

[HTML][HTML] Evaluación de los hábitos de alimentación y actividad física en escolares gallegos

S Barja-Fernández, M Pino Juste… - Nutrición …, 2020 - SciELO Espana
Introducción: la obesidad causa millones de muertes anuales. Su elevada prevalencia en
niños y adolescentes de países del sur de Europa, entre ellos España, se asocia con las …