The 2016 central Italy seismic sequence: A first look at the mainshocks, aftershocks, and source models
The 2016 central Italy seismic sequence consists so far of a series of moderate‐to‐large
earthquakes activating within a few months along a 60‐km‐long and Apenninic‐trending …
earthquakes activating within a few months along a 60‐km‐long and Apenninic‐trending …
The Italian CMT dataset from 1977 to the present
The INGV-Harvard European-Mediterranean Regional Centroid Moment Tensor (RCMT)
Catalog collects solutions routinely computed since 1997 for earthquakes with moderate …
Catalog collects solutions routinely computed since 1997 for earthquakes with moderate …
The 2009 L'Aquila (central Italy) MW6.3 earthquake: Main shock and aftershocks
A MW 6.3 earthquake struck on April 6, 2009 the Abruzzi region (central Italy) producing vast
damage in the L'Aquila town and surroundings. In this paper we present the location and …
damage in the L'Aquila town and surroundings. In this paper we present the location and …
Local site effects and incremental damage of buildings during the 2016 Central Italy earthquake sequence
The Central Italy earthquake sequence initiated on 24 August 2016 with a moment
magnitude M 6.1 event, followed by two earthquakes (M 5.9 and M 6.5) on 26 and 30 …
magnitude M 6.1 event, followed by two earthquakes (M 5.9 and M 6.5) on 26 and 30 …
The Campania‐Lucania Extensional Fault System, southern Italy: A suggestion for a uniform model of active extension in the Italian Apennines
F Brozzetti - Tectonics, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
By integrating new field data, seismic lines interpretation and a critical review of the
literature, this work highlights a regional array of normal faults in the southern Apennines of …
literature, this work highlights a regional array of normal faults in the southern Apennines of …
The location and sizing of historical earthquakes using the attenuation of macroseismic intensity with distance
We herein describe new methods for computing the quantitative parameters of earthquakes
using macroseismic data and the uncertainties associated with these parameters. The …
using macroseismic data and the uncertainties associated with these parameters. The …
Deterministic 3D Ground‐Motion Simulations (0–5 Hz) and Surface Topography Effects of the 30 October 2016 6.5 Norcia, Italy, Earthquake
ABSTRACT The M w 6.5 Norcia, Italy, earthquake occurred on 30 October 2016 and caused
extensive damage to buildings in the epicentral area. The earthquake was recorded by a …
extensive damage to buildings in the epicentral area. The earthquake was recorded by a …
Fine‐scale structure of the 2016–2017 Central Italy seismic sequence from data recorded at the Italian National Network
We explore the three‐dimensional structure of the 2016–2017 Central Italy sequence using~
34,000 ML≥ 1.5 earthquakes that occurred between August 2016 and January 2018. We …
34,000 ML≥ 1.5 earthquakes that occurred between August 2016 and January 2018. We …
Architecture and mechanics of an active low‐angle normal fault: Alto Tiberina fault, northern Apennines, Italy
We present seismological evidence for the existence of an actively slip** low‐angle
normal fault (15° dip) located in the northern Apennines of Italy. During a temporary seismic …
normal fault (15° dip) located in the northern Apennines of Italy. During a temporary seismic …
Real-time determination of seismic moment tensor for the Italian region
We describe the automatic (AUTO) and the reviewed (REV) seismic time-domain moment
tensor (TDMT) procedures implemented recently at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e …
tensor (TDMT) procedures implemented recently at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e …