Droplet epitaxy of semiconductor nanostructures for quantum photonic devices
The long dreamed 'quantum internet'would consist of a network of quantum nodes (solid-
state or atomic systems) linked by flying qubits, naturally based on photons, travelling over …
state or atomic systems) linked by flying qubits, naturally based on photons, travelling over …
Observation of excitonic fine structure in a 2D transition-metal dichalcogenide semiconductor
Two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors, such as transition-metal dichalcogenide monolayers
(TMD 1Ls), have attracted increasing attention owing to the underlying fundamental physics …
(TMD 1Ls), have attracted increasing attention owing to the underlying fundamental physics …
Universal Recovery of the Energy-Level Degeneracy of Bright Excitons in InGaAs<? format?> Quantum Dots without a Structure Symmetry
The lack of structural symmetry which usually characterizes semiconductor quantum dots
lifts the energetic degeneracy of the bright excitonic states and hampers severely their use …
lifts the energetic degeneracy of the bright excitonic states and hampers severely their use …
Experimental methods of post-growth tuning of the excitonic fine structure splitting in semiconductor quantum dots
Deterministic sources of polarization entangled photon pairs on demand are considered as
important building blocks for quantum communication technology. It has been demonstrated …
important building blocks for quantum communication technology. It has been demonstrated …
Symmetric quantum dots as efficient sources of highly entangled photons: Violation of Bell's inequality without spectral and temporal filtering
An ideal emitter of entangled photon pairs combines the perfect symmetry of an atom with
the convenient electrical trigger of light sources based on semiconductor quantum dots. Our …
the convenient electrical trigger of light sources based on semiconductor quantum dots. Our …
Independent wavelength and density control of uniform GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots grown by infilling self-assembled nanoholes
Very low density growth of GaAs quantum dots in self-assembled nanoholes created by
gallium droplet etching is demonstrated. The emission energy of the quantum dots can be …
gallium droplet etching is demonstrated. The emission energy of the quantum dots can be …
High-yield fabrication of entangled photon emitters for hybrid quantum networking using high-temperature droplet epitaxy
Several semiconductor quantum dot techniques have been investigated for the generation
of entangled photon pairs. Among the other techniques, droplet epitaxy enables the control …
of entangled photon pairs. Among the other techniques, droplet epitaxy enables the control …
Self-assembly of symmetric GaAs quantum dots on (111) A substrates: Suppression of fine-structure splitting
Great suppression of fine-structure splitting (FSS) is demonstrated in self-assembled GaAs
quantum dots (QDs) grown on AlGaAs (111) A surface. Due to the three-fold rotational …
quantum dots (QDs) grown on AlGaAs (111) A surface. Due to the three-fold rotational …
Impact of heavy hole-light hole coupling on optical selection rules in GaAs quantum dots
We report strong heavy hole-light hole mixing in GaAs quantum dots grown by droplet
epitaxy. Using the neutral and charged exciton emission as a monitor we observe the direct …
epitaxy. Using the neutral and charged exciton emission as a monitor we observe the direct …
Selective carrier injection into patterned arrays of pyramidal quantum dots for entangled photon light-emitting diodes
Scalability and foundry compatibility (as apply to conventional silicon-based integrated
computer processors, for example) in develo** quantum technologies are major …
computer processors, for example) in develo** quantum technologies are major …