[HTML][HTML] Polar angle asymmetries in visual perception and neural architecture
Human visual performance changes with visual field location. It is best at the center of gaze
and declines with eccentricity, and also varies markedly with polar angle. These perceptual …
and declines with eccentricity, and also varies markedly with polar angle. These perceptual …
Linking individual differences in human primary visual cortex to contrast sensitivity around the visual field
A central question in neuroscience is how the organization of cortical maps relates to
perception, for which human primary visual cortex (V1) is an ideal model system. V1 …
perception, for which human primary visual cortex (V1) is an ideal model system. V1 …
Cortical magnification in human visual cortex parallels task performance around the visual field
Human vision has striking radial asymmetries, with performance on many tasks varying
sharply with stimulus polar angle. Performance is generally better on the horizontal than …
sharply with stimulus polar angle. Performance is generally better on the horizontal than …
[HTML][HTML] Stimulus-dependent contrast sensitivity asymmetries around the visual field
Asymmetries in visual performance at isoeccentric locations are well-documented and
functionally important. At a fixed eccentricity, visual performance is best along the horizontal …
functionally important. At a fixed eccentricity, visual performance is best along the horizontal …
Asymmetries around the visual field: From retina to cortex to behavior
Visual performance varies around the visual field. It is best near the fovea compared to the
periphery, and at iso-eccentric locations it is best on the horizontal, intermediate on the …
periphery, and at iso-eccentric locations it is best on the horizontal, intermediate on the …
Presaccadic attention depends on eye movement direction and is related to V1 cortical magnification
With every saccadic eye movement, humans bring new information into their fovea to be
processed with high visual acuity. Notably, perception is enhanced already before a relevant …
processed with high visual acuity. Notably, perception is enhanced already before a relevant …
[HTML][HTML] Map** spatial frequency preferences across human primary visual cortex
Neurons in primate visual cortex (area V1) are tuned for spatial frequency, in a manner that
depends on their position in the visual field. Several studies have examined this …
depends on their position in the visual field. Several studies have examined this …
Population models, not analyses, of human neuroscience measurements
Selectivity for many basic properties of visual stimuli, such as orientation, is thought to be
organized at the scale of cortical columns, making it difficult or impossible to measure …
organized at the scale of cortical columns, making it difficult or impossible to measure …
Natural scene sampling reveals reliable coarse-scale orientation tuning in human V1
Orientation selectivity in primate visual cortex is organized into cortical columns. Since
cortical columns are at a finer spatial scale than the sampling resolution of standard BOLD …
cortical columns are at a finer spatial scale than the sampling resolution of standard BOLD …
Multiple loci for foveolar vision in macaque monkey visual cortex
In humans and nonhuman primates, the central 1 of vision is processed by the foveola, a
retinal structure that comprises a high density of photoreceptors and is crucial for primate …
retinal structure that comprises a high density of photoreceptors and is crucial for primate …