Flexible nanocomposite scintillator detectors for medical applications: A review
Despite over a century of research and progress, scintillation detectors remain a hot topic.
The performance of ionizing radiation detection devices has been significantly enhanced by …
The performance of ionizing radiation detection devices has been significantly enhanced by …
Development of a novel flexible thin PWO (Er)/ZnO (Ag) nanocomposite for ionizing radiation sensing
Radiation dosimetry is an essential aspect of modern radiotherapy. Optically stimulated
luminescence (OSL) dosimetry is a promising technique that uses materials to measure …
luminescence (OSL) dosimetry is a promising technique that uses materials to measure …
Novel PWO/ZnO heterostructured nanocomposites: Synthesis, characterization, and photocatalytic performance
Photocatalytic degradation is becoming an increasingly attractive method for addressing
environmental remediation challenges. In this work, the novel pure PWO/ZnO and doped …
environmental remediation challenges. In this work, the novel pure PWO/ZnO and doped …
Alpha sensing, NIR to green light emission in Er3+ doped PbWO4 nanoparticles with modification of calcination atmosphere
In this study, various concentrations (0.5, 1, and 1.5 at%) of Er 3+ PbWO 4 nanoparticles
(PWO: Er NPs) were prepared using a co-precipitation procedure, and the effect of the …
(PWO: Er NPs) were prepared using a co-precipitation procedure, and the effect of the …
Erbium doped barium tungstate-chitosan nanocomposite: Luminescent properties
Recently, there has been an increase in the ability to adjust the optical band gap and
enhance the brightness of luminescence in nanophosphors that are used in light-emitting …
enhance the brightness of luminescence in nanophosphors that are used in light-emitting …