Fast approximation of betweenness centrality through sampling

M Riondato, EM Kornaropoulos - … of the 7th ACM international conference …, 2014 -
Betweenness centrality is a fundamental measure in social network analysis, expressing the
importance or influence of individual vertices in a network in terms of the fraction of shortest …

Abra: Approximating betweenness centrality in static and dynamic graphs with rademacher averages

M Riondato, E Upfal - ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from …, 2018 -
ABPA Ξ A Σ (ABRAXAS): Gnostic word of mystic meaning. We present ABRA, a suite of
algorithms to compute and maintain probabilistically guaranteed high-quality …

How well do graph-processing platforms perform? an empirical performance evaluation and analysis

Y Guo, M Biczak, AL Varbanescu… - 2014 IEEE 28th …, 2014 -
Graph-processing platforms are increasingly used in a variety of domains. Although both
industry and academia are develo** and tuning graph-processing algorithms and …

KADABRA is an adaptive algorithm for betweenness via random approximation

M Borassi, E Natale - Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA), 2019 -
We present KADABRA, a new algorithm to approximate betweenness centrality in directed
and undirected graphs, which significantly outperforms all previous approaches on real …

Betweenness centrality on GPUs and heterogeneous architectures

AE Sariyüce, K Kaya, E Saule… - Proceedings of the 6th …, 2013 -
The betweenness centrality metric has always been intriguing for graph analyses and used
in various applications. Yet, it is one of the most computationally expensive kernels in graph …

Incremental algorithms for closeness centrality

AE Sariyüce, K Kaya, E Saule… - 2013 IEEE international …, 2013 -
Centrality metrics have shown to be highly correlated with the importance and loads of the
nodes within the network traffic. In this work, we provide fast incremental algorithms for …

Centrality measures: a tool to identify key actors in social networks

RR Singh - Principles of Social Networking: The New Horizon and …, 2022 - Springer
Experts from several disciplines have been widely using centrality measures for analyzing
large as well as complex networks. These measures rank nodes/edges in networks by …

Centrality measures on big graphs: Exact, approximated, and distributed algorithms

F Bonchi, G De Francisci Morales… - Proceedings of the 25th …, 2016 -
Centrality measures allow to measure the relative importance of a node or an edge in a
graph wrt~ other nodes or edges. Several measures of centrality have been developed in …

Graph manipulations for fast centrality computation

AE Sariyüce, K Kaya, E Saule… - ACM Transactions on …, 2017 -
The betweenness and closeness metrics are widely used metrics in many network analysis
applications. Yet, they are expensive to compute. For that reason, making the betweenness …

Graph-based ahead monitoring of vulnerabilities in large dynamic transportation networks

A Furno, NEE Faouzi, R Sharma, E Zimeo - PloS one, 2021 -
Betweenness Centrality (BC) has proven to be a fundamental metric in many domains to
identify the components (nodes) of a system modelled as a graph that are mostly traversed …