Effect-size estimates: Issues and problems in interpretation
EF Fern, KB Monroe - Journal of consumer research, 1996 - academic.oup.com
In recent years, researchers have recognized the importance of the concept of effect size for
planning research, determining the significance of research results, and accumulating …
planning research, determining the significance of research results, and accumulating …
Digital content marketing: a literature synthesis
N Koiso-Kanttila - Journal of marketing management, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
Purely digital products are increasingly part of the commercial landscape. Technology-
facilitated environments in general have received considerable attention in the literature on …
facilitated environments in general have received considerable attention in the literature on …
The adoption of AI service robots: A comparison between credence and experience service settings
Would consumers experience the same psychological processes when adopting AI service
robots in different service areas? Results of multigroup structural equation modeling (n …
robots in different service areas? Results of multigroup structural equation modeling (n …
Improving consumer mindset metrics and shareholder value through social media: The different roles of owned and earned media
Although research has examined the social media–shareholder value link, the role of
consumer mindset metrics in this relationship remains unexplored. To this end, drawing on …
consumer mindset metrics in this relationship remains unexplored. To this end, drawing on …
The importance of trust for personalized online advertising
With the amount of online advertising on a steady rise, generic ads noticeably lose
effectiveness. In order to break through the clutter, retailers employ a method called …
effectiveness. In order to break through the clutter, retailers employ a method called …
Reconsidering Baron and Kenny: Myths and truths about mediation analysis
Baron and Kenny's procedure for determining if an independent variable affects a
dependent variable through some mediator is so well known that it is used by authors and …
dependent variable through some mediator is so well known that it is used by authors and …
Interactive home shop**: consumer, retailer, and manufacturer incentives to participate in electronic marketplaces
The authors examine the implications of electronic shop** for consumers, retailers, and
manufacturers. They assume that near-term technological developments will offer …
manufacturers. They assume that near-term technological developments will offer …
How advertising works: what do we really know?
The authors review more than 250 journal articles and books to establish what is and should
be known about how advertising affects the consumer—how it works. They first deduce a …
be known about how advertising affects the consumer—how it works. They first deduce a …
Positive effects of negative publicity: When negative reviews increase sales
Can negative information about a product increase sales, and if so, when? Although popular
wisdom suggests that “any publicity is good publicity,” prior research has demonstrated only …
wisdom suggests that “any publicity is good publicity,” prior research has demonstrated only …
Wine online: Search costs affect competition on price, quality, and distribution
A fundamental dilemma confronts retailers with stand-alone sites on the World Wide Web
and those attempting to build electronic malls for delivery via the Internet, online services, or …
and those attempting to build electronic malls for delivery via the Internet, online services, or …