[КНИГА][B] Meshfree methods: moving beyond the finite element method

GR Liu - 2009 - taylorfrancis.com
Understand How to Use and Develop Meshfree TechniquesAn Update of a Groundbreaking
WorkReflecting the significant advances made in the field since the publication of its …

Evaluation of a new quadrilateral thin plate bending element

JL Batoz, MB Tahar - International Journal for Numerical …, 1982 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract A review of 4‐node, 12 degrees‐of‐freedom quadrilateral elements for thin plates is
presented. A new element called DKQ is discussed. The formulation is based on a …

Improving the linearity of piezoelectric ceramic actuators

CV Newcomb, I Flinn - Electronics Letters, 1982 - IET
Improving the linearity of piezoelectric ceramic actuators Page 1 geometry. This is in agreement
with findings on other types of fibre.'5 On the other hand, for small V both effects are important …

Computational investigation of the comparative analysis of cylindrical barns subjected to earthquake

Y Zandi, M Shariati, A Marto, X Wei… - Steel and Composite …, 2018 - koreascience.kr
The structural behaviors of cylindrical barns as a specific engineering structure have been
considered as a complicated computing process. The structure design against the …

Stresses in adhesively bonded joints: a closed-form solution

F Delale, F Erdogan… - Journal of Composite …, 1981 - journals.sagepub.com
In this paper the general plane strain problem of adhesively bonded struc tures which
consist of two different orthotropic adherends is considered. Assuming that the thicknesses …

Flow-induced vibration in LMFBR steam generators: a state-of-the-art review

YS Shin, MW Wambsganss - Nuclear Engineering and Design, 1977 - Elsevier
This state of the art review identifies and discusses existing methods of flow-induced
vibration analysis applicable to steam generators, their limitations and base-technology …

Dynamic analysis of large 3‐D underground structures by the bem

AA Stamos, DE Beskos - Earthquake engineering & structural …, 1995 - Wiley Online Library
An up to date literature survey on the dynamics of underground structures is presented
briefly. The dynamic response of large three‐dimensional underground structures to …

The development of a detailed finite element brain model

CC Ward, RB Thompson - SAE Transactions, 1975 - JSTOR
A finite element model of the human brain is developed which provides badly needed new
information and insight in brain dynamics. The model is based on fewer assumptions and …

[КНИГА][B] Steel beam-column joints in seismic moment resisting frames

KC Tsai - 1988 - search.proquest.com
Abstract Although Moment Resisting Frames (MRFs) are the most widely used structural
system for seismic-resistant steel buildings, several important aspects of their behavior …

Dynamic stress concentration studies by boundary integrals and Laplace transform

GD Manolis, DE Beskos - International Journal for Numerical …, 1981 - Wiley Online Library
The dynamic stress field and its concentrations around holes of arbitrary shape in infinitely
extended bodies under plane stress or plane strain conditions are numerically determined …