[КНИГА][B] Meshfree methods: moving beyond the finite element method
GR Liu - 2009 - taylorfrancis.com
Understand How to Use and Develop Meshfree TechniquesAn Update of a Groundbreaking
WorkReflecting the significant advances made in the field since the publication of its …
WorkReflecting the significant advances made in the field since the publication of its …
Evaluation of a new quadrilateral thin plate bending element
JL Batoz, MB Tahar - International Journal for Numerical …, 1982 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract A review of 4‐node, 12 degrees‐of‐freedom quadrilateral elements for thin plates is
presented. A new element called DKQ is discussed. The formulation is based on a …
presented. A new element called DKQ is discussed. The formulation is based on a …
Improving the linearity of piezoelectric ceramic actuators
CV Newcomb, I Flinn - Electronics Letters, 1982 - IET
Improving the linearity of piezoelectric ceramic actuators Page 1 geometry. This is in agreement
with findings on other types of fibre.'5 On the other hand, for small V both effects are important …
with findings on other types of fibre.'5 On the other hand, for small V both effects are important …
Computational investigation of the comparative analysis of cylindrical barns subjected to earthquake
The structural behaviors of cylindrical barns as a specific engineering structure have been
considered as a complicated computing process. The structure design against the …
considered as a complicated computing process. The structure design against the …
Stresses in adhesively bonded joints: a closed-form solution
F Delale, F Erdogan… - Journal of Composite …, 1981 - journals.sagepub.com
In this paper the general plane strain problem of adhesively bonded struc tures which
consist of two different orthotropic adherends is considered. Assuming that the thicknesses …
consist of two different orthotropic adherends is considered. Assuming that the thicknesses …
Flow-induced vibration in LMFBR steam generators: a state-of-the-art review
YS Shin, MW Wambsganss - Nuclear Engineering and Design, 1977 - Elsevier
This state of the art review identifies and discusses existing methods of flow-induced
vibration analysis applicable to steam generators, their limitations and base-technology …
vibration analysis applicable to steam generators, their limitations and base-technology …
Dynamic analysis of large 3‐D underground structures by the bem
AA Stamos, DE Beskos - Earthquake engineering & structural …, 1995 - Wiley Online Library
An up to date literature survey on the dynamics of underground structures is presented
briefly. The dynamic response of large three‐dimensional underground structures to …
briefly. The dynamic response of large three‐dimensional underground structures to …
The development of a detailed finite element brain model
CC Ward, RB Thompson - SAE Transactions, 1975 - JSTOR
A finite element model of the human brain is developed which provides badly needed new
information and insight in brain dynamics. The model is based on fewer assumptions and …
information and insight in brain dynamics. The model is based on fewer assumptions and …
[КНИГА][B] Steel beam-column joints in seismic moment resisting frames
KC Tsai - 1988 - search.proquest.com
Abstract Although Moment Resisting Frames (MRFs) are the most widely used structural
system for seismic-resistant steel buildings, several important aspects of their behavior …
system for seismic-resistant steel buildings, several important aspects of their behavior …
Dynamic stress concentration studies by boundary integrals and Laplace transform
The dynamic stress field and its concentrations around holes of arbitrary shape in infinitely
extended bodies under plane stress or plane strain conditions are numerically determined …
extended bodies under plane stress or plane strain conditions are numerically determined …