Dynamics of Saccade Trajectory Modulation by Distractors: Neural Activity Patterns in the Frontal Eye Field

H Ramezanpour, DH Kehoe, JD Schall… - Journal of …, 2024 - jneurosci.org
The sudden appearance of a visual distractor shortly before saccade initiation can capture
spatial attention and modulate the saccade trajectory in spite of the ongoing execution of the …

Saccadic trajectories deviate toward or away from optimally informative visual features

S Castellotti, M Szinte, MM Del Viva, A Montagnini - Iscience, 2023 - cell.com
The saccades' path is influenced by visual distractors, making their trajectory curve away or
toward them. Previous research suggested that the more salient the distractor, the more …

Target–Distractor Competition Modulates Saccade Trajectories in Space and Object Space

C Giuricich, RJ Green, H Jordan, M Fallah - eneuro, 2023 - eneuro.org
Saccade planning and execution can be affected by a multitude of factors present in a target
selection task. Recent studies have shown that the similarity between a target and nearby …

Cognitive regulation of saccadic velocity by reward prospect

LL Chen, LY Hung, J Quinet… - European Journal of …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
It is known that expectation of reward speeds up saccades. Past studies have also shown
the presence of a saccadic velocity bias in the orbit, resulting from a biomechanical …

[HTML][HTML] Lateral interactions in the superior colliculus produce saccade deviation in a neural field model

Z Wang, W Kruijne, J Theeuwes - Vision Research, 2012 - Elsevier
Contrary to human intuition, saccades (rapid eye movements) rarely go directly to their
intended destination, but instead typically deviate from the optimal track. Previous studies …

Oculomotor target selection is mediated by complex objects

DH Kehoe, J Lewis, M Fallah - Journal of neurophysiology, 2021 - journals.physiology.org
Oculomotor target selection often requires discriminating visual features, but it remains
unclear how oculomotor substrates encoding saccade vectors functionally contribute to this …

Increased preparation time reduces, but does not abolish, action history bias of saccadic eye movements

EM Reuter, W Marinovic, TN Welsh… - Journal of …, 2019 - journals.physiology.org
The characteristics of movements are strongly history-dependent. Marinovic et al.(Marinovic
W, Poh E, de Rugy A, Carroll TJ. eLife 6: e26713, 2017) showed that past experience …

[HTML][HTML] The spatial impact of visual distractors on saccade latency

E McSorley, R McCloy, C Lyne - Vision research, 2012 - Elsevier
Remote transient changes in the environment, such as the onset of visual distractors, impact
on the execution of target directed saccadic eye movements. Studies that have examined …

Perceptual color space representations in the oculomotor system are modulated by surround suppression and biased selection

DH Kehoe, M Rahimi, M Fallah - Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 2018 - frontiersin.org
The oculomotor system utilizes color extensively for planning saccades. Therefore, we
examined how the oculomotor system actually encodes color and several factors that …

Competitive integration of visual and goal-related signals on neuronal accumulation rate: A correlate of oculomotor capture in the superior colliculus

BJ White, RA Marino, SE Boehnke, L Itti… - Journal of Cognitive …, 2013 - direct.mit.edu
The mechanisms that underlie the integration of visual and goal-related signals for the
production of saccades remain poorly understood. Here, we examined how spatial proximity …