Execution of saccadic eye movements affects speed perception
Due to the foveal organization of our visual system we have to constantly move our eyes to
gain precise information about our environment. Doing so massively alters the retinal input …
gain precise information about our environment. Doing so massively alters the retinal input …
Neuroanatomie des okulomotorischen Systems
S Heermann - Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 2017 - thieme-connect.com
Neuroanatomische Kenntnisse erlauben dem erfahrenen Untersucher von Patienten mit
Erkrankungen des Nervensystems bereits nach einer klinischen Untersuchung eine gute …
Erkrankungen des Nervensystems bereits nach einer klinischen Untersuchung eine gute …
Confidence in predicted position error explains saccadic decisions during pursuit
A fundamental problem in motor control is the coordination of complementary movement
types to achieve a common goal. As a common example, humans view moving objects …
types to achieve a common goal. As a common example, humans view moving objects …
[HTML][HTML] FEFsem neuronal response during combined volitional and reflexive pursuit
Although much is known about volitional and reflexive smooth eye movements individually,
much less is known about how they are coordinated. It is hypothesized that separate cortico …
much less is known about how they are coordinated. It is hypothesized that separate cortico …
Sensory-motor computations in a cortico-pontine pathway
Subcortical circuits decode the output from multiple cortical areas to create commands for
movement. By recording during monkeys' smooth pursuit eye movements, we reveal how …
movement. By recording during monkeys' smooth pursuit eye movements, we reveal how …
Revealing Parallel Modulation on the Sensory-Motor Decoder for Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements
SC Behling - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Primates use smooth pursuit eye movements to track moving objects. Pursuit is driven by
visual commands to accelerate and supported by eye velocity feedback. We show that …
visual commands to accelerate and supported by eye velocity feedback. We show that …
[HTML][HTML] Ocular torsion is related to perceived motion-induced position shifts
Ocular torsion (ie, rotations of the eye about the line of sight) can be induced by visual
rotational motion. It remains unclear whether and how such visually induced torsion is …
rotational motion. It remains unclear whether and how such visually induced torsion is …
[PDF][PDF] Motion processing across spatial and temporal scales for human perception and eye movements
X Wu - 2022 - open.library.ubc.ca
We live in a dynamic visual environment, which requires perceiving moving objects around
us and acting accordingly. However, we do not yet fully understand how visual information …
us and acting accordingly. However, we do not yet fully understand how visual information …