[HTML][HTML] Communication masking in marine mammals: A review and research strategy
Underwater noise, whether of natural or anthropogenic origin, has the ability to interfere with
the way in which marine mammals receive acoustic signals (ie, for communication, social …
the way in which marine mammals receive acoustic signals (ie, for communication, social …
The cocktail party problem: what is it? How can it be solved? And why should animal behaviorists study it?
Animals often use acoustic signals to communicate in groups or social aggregations in
which multiple individuals signal within a receiver's hearing range. Consequently, receivers …
which multiple individuals signal within a receiver's hearing range. Consequently, receivers …
Acoustic masking in marine ecosystems: intuitions, analysis, and implication
CW Clark, WT Ellison, BL Southall, L Hatch… - Marine Ecology …, 2009 - int-res.com
Acoustic masking from anthropogenic noise is increasingly being considered as a threat to
marine mammals, particularly low-frequency specialists such as baleen whales. Low …
marine mammals, particularly low-frequency specialists such as baleen whales. Low …
Effects of noise on marine mammals
Marine mammals (whales, dolphins, seals, sea lions, sea cows) use sound both actively and
passively to communicate and sense their environment, covering frequencies from a few …
passively to communicate and sense their environment, covering frequencies from a few …
Effects of anthropogenic noise on animals
Over the past several years, many investigators interested in the effects of man-made
sounds on animals have come to realize that there is much to gain from studying the broader …
sounds on animals have come to realize that there is much to gain from studying the broader …
Finding a mate at a cocktail party: spatial release from masking improves acoustic mate recognition in grey treefrogs
MA Bee - Animal Behaviour, 2008 - Elsevier
The 'cocktail party problem'refers to the difficulty that humans have in recognizing speech in
noisy social environments. Many nonhuman animals also communicate acoustically in noisy …
noisy social environments. Many nonhuman animals also communicate acoustically in noisy …
The possible effects of anthropogenic acoustic pollution on marine mammals' reproduction: an emerging threat to animal extinction
G Nabi, RW McLaughlin, Y Hao, K Wang… - … science and pollution …, 2018 - Springer
For about 119 species of cetaceans and other aquatic animals, sound is the key source of
learning about the environment, navigation, communication, foraging, and avoiding …
learning about the environment, navigation, communication, foraging, and avoiding …
Mechanisms of auditory masking in marine mammals
Anthropogenic noise is an increasing threat to marine mammals that rely on sound for
communication, navigation, detecting prey and predators, and finding mates. Auditory …
communication, navigation, detecting prey and predators, and finding mates. Auditory …
Amphibious hearing in spotted seals (Phoca largha): underwater audiograms, aerial audiograms and critical ratio measurements
JM Sills, BL Southall… - Journal of Experimental …, 2014 - journals.biologists.com
Spotted seals (Phoca largha) inhabit Arctic regions that are facing both rapid climate change
and increasing industrialization. While little is known about their sensory capabilities …
and increasing industrialization. While little is known about their sensory capabilities …
Auditory masking patterns in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) with natural, anthropogenic, and synthesized noise
Auditory masking occurs when one sound (usually called noise) interferes with the
detection, discrimination, or recognition of another sound (usually called the signal). This …
detection, discrimination, or recognition of another sound (usually called the signal). This …