Segmentation of white blood cell, nucleus and cytoplasm in digital haematology microscope images: A review–challenges, current and future potential techniques
Segmentation of white blood cells in digital haematology microscope images represents one
of the major tools in the diagnosis and evaluation of blood disorders. Pathological …
of the major tools in the diagnosis and evaluation of blood disorders. Pathological …
On the applications of robust PCA in image and video processing
Robust principal component analysis (RPCA) via decomposition into low-rank plus sparse
matrices offers a powerful framework for a large variety of applications such as image …
matrices offers a powerful framework for a large variety of applications such as image …
Efficient and effective nonconvex low-rank subspace clustering via SVT-free operators
With the growing interest in convex and nonconvex low-rank matrix learning problems, the
widely used singular value thresholding (SVT) operators associated with rank relaxation …
widely used singular value thresholding (SVT) operators associated with rank relaxation …
Superpixel-guided discriminative low-rank representation of hyperspectral images for classification
In this paper, we propose a novel classification scheme for the remotely sensed
hyperspectral image (HSI), namely SP-DLRR, by comprehensively exploring its unique …
hyperspectral image (HSI), namely SP-DLRR, by comprehensively exploring its unique …
Structure learning with similarity preserving
Leveraging on the underlying low-dimensional structure of data, low-rank and sparse
modeling approaches have achieved great success in a wide range of applications …
modeling approaches have achieved great success in a wide range of applications …
Low-rank tensor completion based on self-adaptive learnable transforms
The tensor nuclear norm (TNN), defined as the sum of nuclear norms of frontal slices of the
tensor in a frequency domain, has been found useful in solving low-rank tensor recovery …
tensor in a frequency domain, has been found useful in solving low-rank tensor recovery …
3-D array image data completion by tensor decomposition and nonconvex regularization approach
Various image datasets appear naturally in the form of multi-dimensional arrays
(hypermatrices), called tensors. Image with incomplete entries, which often can be …
(hypermatrices), called tensors. Image with incomplete entries, which often can be …
Robust Tensor CUR Decompositions: Rapid Low-Tucker-Rank Tensor Recovery with Sparse Corruptions
We study the tensor robust principal component analysis (TRPCA) problem, a tensorial
extension of matrix robust principal component analysis, which aims to split the given tensor …
extension of matrix robust principal component analysis, which aims to split the given tensor …
Simultaneously learning feature-wise weights and local structures for multi-view subspace clustering
Multi-view clustering integrates multiple feature sets, which usually have a complementary
relationship and can reveal distinct insights of data from different angles, to improve …
relationship and can reveal distinct insights of data from different angles, to improve …