Energy flow in proteins
DM Leitner - Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem., 2008 - annualreviews.org
Energy flows anisotropically through the residues and vibrational states of globular proteins.
A variety of experimental and computational studies have identified energy transport …
A variety of experimental and computational studies have identified energy transport …
Vibrational heat transport in molecular junctions
We review studies of vibrational energy transfer in a molecular junction geometry, consisting
of a molecule bridging two heat reservoirs, solids or large chemical compounds. This setup …
of a molecule bridging two heat reservoirs, solids or large chemical compounds. This setup …
Temporal and spatial resolution of distal protein motions that activate hydrogen tunneling in soybean lipoxygenase
The enzyme soybean lipoxygenase (SLO) provides a prototype for deep tunneling
mechanisms in hydrogen transfer catalysis. This work combines room temperature X-ray …
mechanisms in hydrogen transfer catalysis. This work combines room temperature X-ray …
Thermal conductance through molecular wires
We consider phononic heat transport through molecular chains connecting two thermal
reservoirs. For relatively short molecules at normal temperatures we find, using classical …
reservoirs. For relatively short molecules at normal temperatures we find, using classical …
Ultrafast myoglobin structural dynamics observed with an X-ray free-electron laser
Light absorption can trigger biologically relevant protein conformational changes. The light-
induced structural rearrangement at the level of a photoexcited chromophore is known to …
induced structural rearrangement at the level of a photoexcited chromophore is known to …
[КНИГА][B] Ultrafast infrared vibrational spectroscopy
MD Fayer - 2013 - books.google.com
The advent of laser-based sources of ultrafast infrared pulses has extended the study of very
fast molecular dynamics to the observation of processes manifested through their effects on …
fast molecular dynamics to the observation of processes manifested through their effects on …
Biomolecular cryocrystallography: structural changes during flash-cooling
B Halle - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2004 - pnas.org
To minimize radiation damage, crystal structures of biological macromolecules are usually
determined after rapid cooling to cryogenic temperatures, some 150–200 K below the …
determined after rapid cooling to cryogenic temperatures, some 150–200 K below the …
The challenge of intracellular temperature
This short review begins with a brief introductory summary of luminescence
nanothermometry. Current applications of luminescence nanothermometry are introduced in …
nanothermometry. Current applications of luminescence nanothermometry are introduced in …
Energy transport in peptide helices
We investigate energy transport through an α-aminoisobutyric acid-based 310-helix
dissolved in chloroform in a combined experimental-theoretical approach. Vibrational …
dissolved in chloroform in a combined experimental-theoretical approach. Vibrational …
Molecular heat pump
We propose a molecular device that pumps heat against a thermal gradient. The system
consists of a molecular element connecting two thermal reservoirs that are characterized by …
consists of a molecular element connecting two thermal reservoirs that are characterized by …