Critical-angle transmission grating technology development for high resolving power soft x-ray spectrometers on Arcus and Lynx
Soft x-ray spectroscopy with high resolving power (R= λ/Δλ) and large effective area (A)
addresses numerous unanswered science questions about the physical laws that lead to the …
addresses numerous unanswered science questions about the physical laws that lead to the …
Demonstration of resolving power λ/Δλ> 10,000 for a space-based x-ray transmission grating spectrometer
We present measurements of the resolving power of a soft x-ray spectrometer consisting of
200 nm period lightweight, alignment-insensitive critical-angle transmission (CAT) gratings …
200 nm period lightweight, alignment-insensitive critical-angle transmission (CAT) gratings …
Simple spatially resolved period measurement of chirped pulse compression gratings
F Bienert, C Röcker, T Graf, MA Ahmed - Optics Express, 2023 - opg.optica.org
We present an easy-to-implement and low-cost setup for the precise measurement of the
period chirp of diffraction gratings offering a resolution of 15 pm and reasonable scan …
period chirp of diffraction gratings offering a resolution of 15 pm and reasonable scan …
Lynx soft x-ray critical-angle transmission grating spectrometer
Lynx is one of four Surveyor-class mission concept studies for the 2020 Astrophysics
Decadal Survey. It features an x-ray telescope with an unprecedented collecting area of 2 …
Decadal Survey. It features an x-ray telescope with an unprecedented collecting area of 2 …
Arcus: exploring the formation and evolution of clusters, galaxies, and stars
RK Smith, M Abraham, R Allured… - UV, X-Ray, and …, 2017 - spiedigitallibrary.org
Arcus, a Medium Explorer (MIDEX) mission, was selected by NASA for a Phase A study in
August 2017. The observatory provides high-resolution soft X-ray spectroscopy in the 12 …
August 2017. The observatory provides high-resolution soft X-ray spectroscopy in the 12 …
Nanostructure engineering in organic semiconductor devices toward interface matching
M Bok, JH Jeong, E Lim - Nanotechnology, 2024 - iopscience.iop.org
The performance of organic semiconductor devices with heterojunctions between the
organic semiconductors and electrodes can be improved by reducing the contact resistance …
organic semiconductors and electrodes can be improved by reducing the contact resistance …
Blazed transmission grating technology development for the Arcus x-ray spectrometer explorer
Arcus is a high-resolution soft x-ray spectroscopy mid-size Explorer mission selected for a
NASA Phase A concept study. It is designed to explore structure formation through …
NASA Phase A concept study. It is designed to explore structure formation through …
[HTML][HTML] Characterizing profile tilt of nanoscale deep-etched gratings via x-ray diffraction
The authors report the development of fast, nondestructive, and high accuracy metrology for
the characterization of profile tilt relative to the surface normal in nanoscale gratings using x …
the characterization of profile tilt relative to the surface normal in nanoscale gratings using x …
Progress in x-ray critical-angle transmission grating technology development
High resolution absorption and emission line spectroscopy in the soft x-ray band are
promising techniques to measure hot baryon distributions in extended galaxy halos, galaxy …
promising techniques to measure hot baryon distributions in extended galaxy halos, galaxy …
Manufacture and performance of blazed soft x-ray transmission gratings for Arcus and Lynx
The soft x-ray band covers the characteristic lines of the highly ionized low-atomic-number
elements, providing diagnostics of the warm and hot plasmas in star atmospheres …
elements, providing diagnostics of the warm and hot plasmas in star atmospheres …