[HTML][HTML] Nutrition and food literacy: framing the challenges to health communication
Nutrition and food literacy are two important concepts that are often used interchangeably,
but they are not synonymous. Nutrition refers to the study of how food affects the body, while …
but they are not synonymous. Nutrition refers to the study of how food affects the body, while …
Adolescent obesity: diet quality, psychosocial health, and cardiometabolic risk factors
Obesity is a multifaceted chronic condition with several contributing causes, including
biological risk factors, socioeconomic status, health literacy, and numerous environmental …
biological risk factors, socioeconomic status, health literacy, and numerous environmental …
Defining food literacy: A sco** review
The term “food literacy” describes the idea of proficiency in food related skills and
knowledge. This prevalent term is broadly applied, although its core elements vary from …
knowledge. This prevalent term is broadly applied, although its core elements vary from …
Just a subtle difference? Findings from a systematic review on definitions of nutrition literacy and food literacy
C Krause, K Sommerhalder… - Health promotion …, 2018 - academic.oup.com
Nutrition literacy and food literacy have become increasingly important concepts in health
promotion. Researchers use one or the other term to describe the competencies needed to …
promotion. Researchers use one or the other term to describe the competencies needed to …
Quality and accuracy of online nutrition-related information: a systematic review of content analysis studies
Objective: This systematic review aimed to summarise the level of quality and accuracy of
nutrition-related information on websites and social media and determine if quality and …
nutrition-related information on websites and social media and determine if quality and …
The nuances of health literacy, nutrition literacy, and food literacy
S Velardo - Journal of nutrition education and behavior, 2015 - Elsevier
Health literacy, defined as the ability to access, understand, and use health information, has
been identified as an international public health goal. The term nutrition literacy has …
been identified as an international public health goal. The term nutrition literacy has …
Food for teens: how social media is associated with adolescent eating outcomes
Objective: To assess the relationship between exposure to social media food messages and
self-reported adolescent eating outcomes (including food intake, perceived norms and food …
self-reported adolescent eating outcomes (including food intake, perceived norms and food …
Identifying attributes of food literacy: a sco** review
EA Perry, H Thomas, HR Samra, S Edmonstone… - Public health …, 2017 - cambridge.org
ObjectiveAn absence of food literacy measurement tools makes it challenging for nutrition
practitioners to assess the impact of food literacy on healthy diets and to evaluate the …
practitioners to assess the impact of food literacy on healthy diets and to evaluate the …
Towards the measurement of food literacy with respect to healthy eating: the development and validation of the self perceived food literacy scale among an adult …
Background Food literacy refers to the capability to make healthy food choices in different
contexts, settings and situations. The aim of this study is to develop and validate the self …
contexts, settings and situations. The aim of this study is to develop and validate the self …
Examining the association between food literacy and food insecurity
Poor food literacy behaviours may contribute to food insecurity in developed countries. The
aim of this research was to describe the apparent prevalence of food insecurity in adults at …
aim of this research was to describe the apparent prevalence of food insecurity in adults at …