[HTML][HTML] Application of elastic metamaterials/meta-structures in civil engineering: A review
Inspired by sonic engineering, locally resonant metamaterials have attracted much attention
from researchers in civil engineering for their unique characteristics of stress wave …
from researchers in civil engineering for their unique characteristics of stress wave …
Revealing the sound insulation capacities of TPMS sandwich panels
Triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) sandwich panels have superior characteristics,
including lightweight and extraordinary mechanical properties, so that they are widely …
including lightweight and extraordinary mechanical properties, so that they are widely …
[HTML][HTML] Broadband low-frequency vibration attenuation in 3D printed composite meta-lattice sandwich structures
Achieving superior properties of vibration suppression at low-frequency range, yet with high
load-bearing capabilities in lightweight structural designs is still a challenge. In this work, we …
load-bearing capabilities in lightweight structural designs is still a challenge. In this work, we …
[HTML][HTML] 3D acoustic metamaterial-based mechanical metalattice structures for low-frequency and broadband vibration attenuation
X An, C Lai, H Fan, C Zhang - International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2020 - Elsevier
In this paper, a new type of three-dimensional (3D) truss-lattice structures for low-frequency
and broadband elastic wave absorption is proposed. The local resonance mechanism used …
and broadband elastic wave absorption is proposed. The local resonance mechanism used …
[PDF][PDF] Bilateral analytical estimation of the first frequency of a plane truss
O Vorobev - Строительство уникальных зданий и сооружений, 2020 - unistroy.spbstu.ru
The object of research is the statically determinate cantilever truss. The trass consists of
rectangular panels with downward diagonal beams. The truss has two supports, one of …
rectangular panels with downward diagonal beams. The truss has two supports, one of …
On sound insulation of pyramidal lattice sandwich structure
J Liu, T Chen, Y Zhang, G Wen, Q Qing, H Wang… - Composite …, 2019 - Elsevier
Pyramidal lattice sandwich structure (PLSS) exhibits high stiffness and strength-to-weight
ratio which can be effectively utilized for designing light-weight load bearing structures for …
ratio which can be effectively utilized for designing light-weight load bearing structures for …
[HTML][HTML] Lightweight meta-lattice sandwich panels for remarkable vibration mitigation: Analytical prediction, numerical analysis and experimental validations
Realizing superior mechanical performance and outstanding multifunction features, yet with
lightweight configuration, simultaneously, has been always a fundamental challenge. Here …
lightweight configuration, simultaneously, has been always a fundamental challenge. Here …
Impact mitigation performance of hybrid metamaterial with a low frequency bandgap
Elastic metamaterials exhibit a significant potential in wave attenuation and impact
mitigation application owing to their unusual dynamic performance. This work is aimed at …
mitigation application owing to their unusual dynamic performance. This work is aimed at …
Impact damage of composite sandwich structures in arctic condition
This study investigates the impact response and damage mechanisms of composite
sandwich structures in arctic condition. Carbon fiber reinforced composite sandwich panels …
sandwich structures in arctic condition. Carbon fiber reinforced composite sandwich panels …
Lattice materials with pyramidal hierarchy: Systematic analysis and three dimensional failure mechanism maps
Sandwich core materials that offer superior mechanical properties at minimum weight are
essential in designing high-performance sandwich structures. Hierarchical materials are …
essential in designing high-performance sandwich structures. Hierarchical materials are …