[HTML][HTML] Towards load-bearing biomedical titanium-based alloys: From essential requirements to future developments
YW Cui, L Wang, LC Zhang - Progress in Materials Science, 2024 - Elsevier
The use of biomedical metallic materials in research and clinical applications has been an
important focus and a significant area of interest, primarily owing to their role in enhancing …
important focus and a significant area of interest, primarily owing to their role in enhancing …
[HTML][HTML] Design of titanium alloys by additive manufacturing: A critical review
T Zhang, CT Liu - Advanced Powder Materials, 2022 - Elsevier
Additive manufacturing (AM) is an innovative technology that creates objects with a complex
geometry layer-by-layer, and it has rapidly prospered in manufacturing metallic parts for …
geometry layer-by-layer, and it has rapidly prospered in manufacturing metallic parts for …
Enhanced strength-ductility synergy and mechanisms of heterostructured Ti6Al4V-Cu alloys produced by laser powder bed fusion
Limited slip systems of α structure always play a major role in hindering strength-ductility
synergy improvement of titanium (Ti) alloys. To overcome the strength-ductility trade-off of Ti …
synergy improvement of titanium (Ti) alloys. To overcome the strength-ductility trade-off of Ti …
[HTML][HTML] Towards high-strength cold spray additive manufactured metals: Methods, mechanisms, and properties
Cold spray, as a solid-state additive manufacturing process, has been attracting increasing
attention from both scientific and industrial communities. However, cold-sprayed deposits …
attention from both scientific and industrial communities. However, cold-sprayed deposits …
Alloy design for laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing: a critical review
Metal additive manufacturing (AM) has been extensively studied in recent decades. Despite
the significant progress achieved in manufacturing complex shapes and structures …
the significant progress achieved in manufacturing complex shapes and structures …
[HTML][HTML] Titanium based bone implants production using laser powder bed fusion technology
Additive manufacturing (AM) enables fully dense biomimetic implants in the designed
geometries from preferred materials such as titanium and its alloys. Titanium aluminum …
geometries from preferred materials such as titanium and its alloys. Titanium aluminum …
[HTML][HTML] Laser-based additive manufacturing of bulk metallic glasses: recent advances and future perspectives for biomedical applications
Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) are non-crystalline class of advanced materials and have
found potential applications in the biomedical field. Although there are numerous …
found potential applications in the biomedical field. Although there are numerous …
Corrosion behavior and mechanism of selective laser melted Ti35Nb alloy produced using pre-alloyed and mixed powder in Hank's solution
This work investigated the corrosion behavior and mechanism of selective laser melted
(SLM) Ti35Nb separately using mixed powder (Ti35Nb-M) and pre-alloyed powder (Ti35Nb …
(SLM) Ti35Nb separately using mixed powder (Ti35Nb-M) and pre-alloyed powder (Ti35Nb …
In-situ additive manufacturing of high strength yet ductility titanium composites with gradient layered structure using N2
Y **ao, C Song, Z Liu, L Liu, H Zhou… - … Journal of Extreme …, 2024 - iopscience.iop.org
It has always been challenging work to reconcile the contradiction between the strength and
plasticity of titanium materials. Laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) is a convenient method to …
plasticity of titanium materials. Laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) is a convenient method to …
A two-decade odyssey in fusion-based additive manufacturing of titanium alloys and composites
SO Agbedor, H Wu, Y Ren, L Liang, DH Yang… - Applied Materials …, 2024 - Elsevier
In the past two decades, the advent of metal additive manufacturing (AM) or three-
dimensional (3D) printing technology has led to exciting breakthroughs in the metallurgy of …
dimensional (3D) printing technology has led to exciting breakthroughs in the metallurgy of …