[HTML][HTML] A new era of electoral instability
R Schmitt-Beck, S Roßteutscher… - The changing …, 2022 - books.google.com
Over the past half century, the behavior of German voters has changed profoundly. After a
long period of stability, elections have dramatically altered their character-at first rather …
long period of stability, elections have dramatically altered their character-at first rather …
[Књига][B] The changing German voter
Over the past half century, the behavior of German voters has changed profoundly—at first
rather gradually but during the last decade at accelerated speed. Electoral decision-making …
rather gradually but during the last decade at accelerated speed. Electoral decision-making …
The electoral consequences of welfare state changes: a sober look at theory and evidence
The expectation that welfare retrenchment and expansion have electoral consequences for
governing parties is widespread in welfare state research. Previous research either argues …
governing parties is widespread in welfare state research. Previous research either argues …
Sibling rivalry: Voters for radical left parties and their competitors in Germany, Sweden, and the Netherlands
This article analyzes voters for Radical Left Parties (RLPs) in three countries—Germany, the
Netherlands, and Sweden. Belonging to the democratic socialist subtype of RLPs, parties in …
Netherlands, and Sweden. Belonging to the democratic socialist subtype of RLPs, parties in …
[HTML][HTML] Gone, but not forgotten? The German federal election 2021 and the effect of an incumbent who did not run
The German federal election 2021 was remarkable partly because the incumbent chancellor
Angela Merkel, albeit still popular, was not running for re-election and did not figure …
Angela Merkel, albeit still popular, was not running for re-election and did not figure …
[PDF][PDF] ANewPlayerintheGame: Changing ElectoralCompetitioninGermany
A Wagner, J Lichteblau - The changing German voter, 2022 - library.oapen.org
As laid out in Chapter 1, concurrently with the establishment of the AfD since 2013, the
German party system changed dramatically: at the 2017 election, polarization increased and …
German party system changed dramatically: at the 2017 election, polarization increased and …
[PDF][PDF] The importance of EU issues in German elections
Germany is the largest economic power in the European Union (EU) and exercises the most
influence on EU policy (Busse et al., 2020; Krotz & Schramm, 2021). Nevertheless, for years …
influence on EU policy (Busse et al., 2020; Krotz & Schramm, 2021). Nevertheless, for years …
[PDF][PDF] Social democratic party's electoral strategies amid social class (re) alignment and (re) mobilisation
R Kerr - The Review of European Affairs, 2020 - pecsa.edu.pl
Social Democratic parties have long been steady pioneers of European democracy, but over
the past decade they have suffered a humiliating collapse. It is commonly asserted that …
the past decade they have suffered a humiliating collapse. It is commonly asserted that …
[HTML][HTML] The Changing German Voter
B Weßels, C Wolf¹ - The Changing German Voter, 2022 - books.google.com
After decades of slow and gradual change, the German electorate's behavior has
undergone a massive transformation over the three federal elections of 2009, 2013, and …
undergone a massive transformation over the three federal elections of 2009, 2013, and …
Leaving the Space-Opening the Gap? Electoral Effects of Parties' and Voters' Repositioning
B Weßels - 79341, 2022 - ssoar.info
Examining the German case in the wider Western European context for the period 1996-
2017, the chapter investigates the role of supply and demand factors for vote switching in …
2017, the chapter investigates the role of supply and demand factors for vote switching in …