Progress in modelling solidification microstructures in metals and alloys. Part II: dendrites from 2001 to 2018

W Kurz, M Rappaz, R Trivedi - International Materials …, 2021‏ -
This is the first account of the history of modelling dendritic and cellular solidification. While
Part I reviewed the progress up to the year 2000 [Kurz W, Fisher DJ, Trivedi R. Progress in …

Phase-field models for microstructure evolution

LQ Chen - Annual review of materials research, 2002‏ -
▪ Abstract The phase-field method has recently emerged as a powerful computational
approach to modeling and predicting mesoscale morphological and microstructure evolution …

Phase-field models in materials science

I Steinbach - Modelling and simulation in materials science and …, 2009‏ -
The phase-field method is reviewed against its historical and theoretical background.
Starting from Van der Waals considerations on the structure of interfaces in materials the …

Phase-field simulation of solidification

WJ Boettinger, JA Warren… - Annual review of …, 2002‏ -
▪ Abstract An overview of the phase-field method for modeling solidification is presented,
together with several example results. Using a phase-field variable and a corresponding …

Phase-field model for binary alloys

SG Kim, WT Kim, T Suzuki - Physical review e, 1999‏ - APS
We present a phase-field model (PFM) for solidification in binary alloys, which is found from
the phase-field model for a pure material by direct comparison of the variables for a pure …

An introduction to phase-field modeling of microstructure evolution

N Moelans, B Blanpain, P Wollants - Calphad, 2008‏ - Elsevier
The phase-field method has become an important and extremely versatile technique for
simulating microstructure evolution at the mesoscale. Thanks to the diffuse-interface …

Quantitative phase-field model of alloy solidification

B Echebarria, R Folch, A Karma, M Plapp - Physical Review E—Statistical …, 2004‏ - APS
We present a detailed derivation and thin interface analysis of a phase-field model that can
accurately simulate microstructural pattern formation for low-speed directional solidification …

Phase-field formulation for quantitative modeling of alloy solidification

A Karma - Physical review letters, 2001‏ - APS
A phase-field formulation is introduced to simulate quantitatively microstructural pattern
formation in alloys. The thin-interface limit of this formulation yields a much less stringent …

Progress in modelling solidification microstructures in metals and alloys: dendrites and cells from 1700 to 2000

W Kurz, DJ Fisher, R Trivedi - International Materials …, 2019‏ -
This is the first account of the history of our understanding of, and ability to model,
solidification microstructures. Its objective is to retrace the scientific steps made, from the …

Modeling melt convection in phase-field simulations of solidification

C Beckermann, HJ Diepers, I Steinbach… - Journal of …, 1999‏ - Elsevier
A novel diffuse interface model is presented for the direct numerical simulation of
microstructure evolution in solidification processes involving convection in the liquid phase …