Classical Be stars: Rapidly rotating B stars with viscous Keplerian decretion disks
In the past decade, a consensus has emerged regarding the nature of classical Be stars:
They are very rapidly rotating main sequence B stars, which, through a still unknown, but …
They are very rapidly rotating main sequence B stars, which, through a still unknown, but …
Be/X-ray binaries
The interest in X/γ-ray Astronomy has grown enormously in the last decades thanks to the
ability to send X-ray space missions above the Earth's atmosphere. There are more than half …
ability to send X-ray space missions above the Earth's atmosphere. There are more than half …
Investigating the lack of main-sequence companions to massive Be stars
Context. About 20% of all B-type stars are classical Be stars–stars whose spectra imply the
presence of a circumstellar decretion disk. The disk phenomenon is strongly correlated with …
presence of a circumstellar decretion disk. The disk phenomenon is strongly correlated with …
The CHARA Array interferometric program on the multiplicity of classical Be stars: new detections and orbits of stripped subdwarf companions
Rapid rotation and nonradial pulsations enable Be stars to build decretion disks, where the
characteristic line emission forms. A major but unconstrained fraction of Be stars owe their …
characteristic line emission forms. A major but unconstrained fraction of Be stars owe their …
Cyclic variability of the circumstellar disk of the Be star ζ Tauri-II. Testing the 2D global disk oscillation model
Context. About 2/3 of the Be stars present the so-called variations, a phenomenon
characterized by the quasi-cyclic variation in the ratio between the violet and red emission …
characterized by the quasi-cyclic variation in the ratio between the violet and red emission …
Dynamical evolution of viscous disks around Be stars. I. Photometry
Be stars possess gaseous circumstellar disks that modify in many ways the spectrum of the
central B star. Furthermore, they exhibit variability at several timescales and for a large …
central B star. Furthermore, they exhibit variability at several timescales and for a large …
Warm gas in the inner disks around young intermediate-mass stars
The characterization of gas in the inner disks around young stars is of particular interest
because of its connection to planet formation. In order to study the gas in inner disks, we …
because of its connection to planet formation. In order to study the gas in inner disks, we …
Spectral and spatial imaging of the Be+ sdO binary ϕ Persei
Aims. The rapidly rotating Be star ϕ Persei was spun up by mass and angular momentum
transfer from a now stripped-down, hot subdwarf companion. Here we present the first high …
transfer from a now stripped-down, hot subdwarf companion. Here we present the first high …
The X-ray emission of the γ Cassiopeiae stars
Long considered as the “odd man out” among X-ray emitting Be stars, γ Cas (B0. 5e IV) is
now recognized as the prototype of a class of stars that emit hard thermal X-rays. Our …
now recognized as the prototype of a class of stars that emit hard thermal X-rays. Our …
X-raying the ζ Tau binary system
Context. The Be star ζ Tau was recently reported to be a γ Cas analog; that is, it displays an
atypical (bright and hard) X-ray emission. The origin of these X-rays remains debated. Aims …
atypical (bright and hard) X-ray emission. The origin of these X-rays remains debated. Aims …