Influence of electron do** on the ground state of
The evolution of the electronic properties of electron-doped (Sr 1− x La x) 2 IrO 4 is
experimentally explored as the do** limit of La is approached. As electrons are …
experimentally explored as the do** limit of La is approached. As electrons are …
Neutron scattering study of correlated phase behavior in SrIrO
Neutron diffraction measurements exploring the magnetic and structural phase behaviors of
the candidate J eff= 1/2 Mott insulating iridate Sr 2 IrO 4 are presented. Comparisons are …
the candidate J eff= 1/2 Mott insulating iridate Sr 2 IrO 4 are presented. Comparisons are …
Crossover of conduction mechanism in Sr2IrO4 epitaxial thin films
High quality epitaxial Sr 2 IrO 4 thin films with various thicknesses (9–300 nm) have been
grown on SrTiO 3 (001) substrates and their electric transport properties have been …
grown on SrTiO 3 (001) substrates and their electric transport properties have been …
Imaging the evolution of metallic states in a correlated iridate
Abstract The Ruddlesden–Popper series of iridates (Sr n+ 1Ir n O3 n+ 1) have been the
subject of much recent attention due to the anticipation of emergent phenomena arising from …
subject of much recent attention due to the anticipation of emergent phenomena arising from …
Evidence of quantum dimer excitations in
The magnetic excitation spectrum in the bilayer iridate Sr 3 Ir 2 O 7 has been investigated
using high-resolution resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) performed at the iridium L 3 …
using high-resolution resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) performed at the iridium L 3 …
Weak antiferromagnetism of band in bilayer iridate SrIrO
The antiferromagnetic structure of Sr 3 Ir 2 O 7, the bilayer analog of a spin-orbital Mott
insulator Sr 2 IrO 4, was revealed by resonant magnetic x-ray diffraction. Contrasting …
insulator Sr 2 IrO 4, was revealed by resonant magnetic x-ray diffraction. Contrasting …
Tuning the insulating state via electron do** and pressure in the double-layered iridate SrIrO
Sr 3 Ir 2 O 7 exhibits a novel J eff= 1 2 insulating state that features a splitting between J eff=
1 2 and 3 2 bands due to spin-orbit interaction. We report a metal-insulator transition in Sr 3 …
1 2 and 3 2 bands due to spin-orbit interaction. We report a metal-insulator transition in Sr 3 …
Phonon density of states and anharmonicity of
JWL Pang, A Chernatynskiy, BC Larson, WJL Buyers… - Physical Review B, 2014 - APS
Phonon density of states (PDOS) measurements have been performed on polycrystalline
UO 2 at 295 and 1200 K using time-of-flight inelastic neutron scattering to investigate the …
UO 2 at 295 and 1200 K using time-of-flight inelastic neutron scattering to investigate the …
Spectroscopic evidence for negative electronic compressibility in a quasi-three-dimensional spin–orbit correlated metal
Negative compressibility is a sign of thermodynamic instability of open,, or non-equilibrium,
systems. In quantum materials consisting of multiple mutually coupled subsystems, the …
systems. In quantum materials consisting of multiple mutually coupled subsystems, the …
First-order melting of a weak spin-orbit Mott insulator into a correlated metal
The electronic phase diagram of the weak spin-orbit Mott insulator (Sr 1-x La x) 3 Ir 2 O 7 is
determined via an exhaustive experimental study. Upon do** electrons via La substitution …
determined via an exhaustive experimental study. Upon do** electrons via La substitution …