Generalized unsafety theory of stress: Unsafe environments and conditions, and the default stress response
Prolonged physiological stress responses form an important risk factor for disease.
According to neurobiological and evolution-theoretical insights the stress response is a …
According to neurobiological and evolution-theoretical insights the stress response is a …
Social determinants of health and survival in humans and other animals
BACKGROUND The social environment shapes human health, producing strong
relationships between social factors, disease risk, and survival. The strength of these links …
relationships between social factors, disease risk, and survival. The strength of these links …
Correlated evolution of social organization and lifespan in mammals
Discerning the relationship between sociality and longevity would permit a deeper
understanding of how animal life history evolved. Here, we perform a phylogenetic …
understanding of how animal life history evolved. Here, we perform a phylogenetic …
Linking sociality to fitness in primates: a call for mechanisms
Within-group variation in sociality has been linked to correlates of fitness across vertebrates.
Individuals that form strong social bonds with a few partners, or are well integrated into a …
Individuals that form strong social bonds with a few partners, or are well integrated into a …
Deconstructing sociality: the types of social connections that predict longevity in a group-living primate
Many species use social interactions to cope with challenges in their environment and a
growing number of studies show that individuals which are well-connected to their group …
growing number of studies show that individuals which are well-connected to their group …
Social integration influences fitness in allied male dolphins
Understanding determinants of differential reproductive success is at the core of
evolutionary biology because of its connection to fitness. Early work has linked variation in …
evolutionary biology because of its connection to fitness. Early work has linked variation in …
Social bonds, social status and survival in wild baboons: a tale of two sexes
People who are more socially integrated or have higher socio-economic status live longer.
Recent studies in non-human primates show striking convergences with this human pattern …
Recent studies in non-human primates show striking convergences with this human pattern …
Analyses of ovarian activity reveal repeated evolution of post-reproductive lifespans in toothed whales
In most species the reproductive system ages at the same rate as somatic tissue and
individuals continue reproducing until death. However, females of three species–humans …
individuals continue reproducing until death. However, females of three species–humans …
Four errors and a fallacy: pitfalls for the unwary in comparative brain analyses
Comparative analyses are the backbone of evolutionary analysis. However, their record in
producing a consensus has not always been good. This is especially true of attempts to …
producing a consensus has not always been good. This is especially true of attempts to …
Social bonds provide multiple pathways to reproductive success in wild male chimpanzees
In most male mammals, fitness is strongly shaped by competitive access to mates, a non-
shareable resource. How, then, did selection favor the evolution of cooperative social …
shareable resource. How, then, did selection favor the evolution of cooperative social …