Literature review and prospect of the development and application of FMEA in manufacturing industry
Z Wu, W Liu, W Nie - The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing …, 2021 - Springer
In order to enable failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) to play a better quality control
role in complex manufacturing products or systems, the current research status of FMEA is …
role in complex manufacturing products or systems, the current research status of FMEA is …
A functional failure reasoning methodology for evaluation of conceptual system architectures
In this paper, we introduce a new methodology for reasoning about the functional failures
during early design of complex systems. The proposed approach is based on the notion that …
during early design of complex systems. The proposed approach is based on the notion that …
Risk analysis for the supplier selection problem using failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA)
S Li, W Zeng - Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2016 - Springer
While seeking for global suppliers is a general trend for lower cost and better quality, it is not
trivial for a company to assess the corresponding risks in supplier selection. This paper …
trivial for a company to assess the corresponding risks in supplier selection. This paper …
A systematic decision making approach for product conceptual design based on fuzzy morphological matrix
H Ma, X Chu, D Xue, D Chen - Expert Systems with Applications, 2017 - Elsevier
Conceptual design plays an important role in development of new products and redesign of
existing products. Morphological matrix is a popular tool for conceptual design. Although the …
existing products. Morphological matrix is a popular tool for conceptual design. Although the …
Improving reliability engineering in product development based on design theory: the case of FMEA in the semiconductor industry
In industry, the failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) methodology is one of the main tools
used for reliability management in product design and development. However, the academic …
used for reliability management in product design and development. However, the academic …
An exploratory architecture using data and knowledge to close the loop between design and Maintenance from a product quality perspective
Products for personalization require frequent dynamic interactions at all stages of the entire
lifecycle. Based on this, the researchers have been studying closed-loop product lifecycle …
lifecycle. Based on this, the researchers have been studying closed-loop product lifecycle …
A failure analysis method for designing highly reliable product-service systems
Recently, product-service systems (PSSs), which create value by integrating a physical
product and a service, have been attracting attention. In PSSs, it is critical for a provider to …
product and a service, have been attracting attention. In PSSs, it is critical for a provider to …
[PDF][PDF] Failure mode effect analysis and total productive maintenance: A review
The goal of quality and reliability systems is the same-to achieve customer satisfaction.
Quality and reliability are synonymous. A system cannot be reliable if it does not have high …
Quality and reliability are synonymous. A system cannot be reliable if it does not have high …
Design modification supporting method based on product usage data in closed-loop PLM
Thanks to recent technology related to product monitoring and data communication, it is now
possible for a company to gather various kinds of product usage data during its operation in …
possible for a company to gather various kinds of product usage data during its operation in …
Evaluation of the functional basis using an information theoretic approach
A metric for computing the information content of function models in mechanical engineering
design is proposed. Function models are graph-based representations used to describe the …
design is proposed. Function models are graph-based representations used to describe the …