Self-compassion: Theory, method, research, and intervention
KD Neff - Annual review of psychology, 2023 -
Self-compassion refers to being supportive toward oneself when experiencing suffering or
pain—be it caused by personal mistakes and inadequacies or external life challenges. This …
pain—be it caused by personal mistakes and inadequacies or external life challenges. This …
Acceptance and commitment therapy processes and their association with distress in cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Around 42% of individuals with cancer experience distress. Acceptance and commitment
therapy (ACT) can reduce distress, but effects are small, and mechanisms unclear. This …
therapy (ACT) can reduce distress, but effects are small, and mechanisms unclear. This …
Effectiveness of mindful self-compassion therapy on psychopathology symptoms, psychological distress and life expectancy in infertile women treated with in vitro …
Objectives Infertility is a prominent problem affecting millions of couples worldwide.
Recently, there has been a hightened emphasis on elucidating the subtle linkages between …
Recently, there has been a hightened emphasis on elucidating the subtle linkages between …
A randomized controlled trial of a mindfulness-based intervention in social workers working during the COVID-19 crisis
NR Hosseinzadeh Asl - Current Psychology, 2022 - Springer
As one of the frontline professionals during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, social
workers can face tremendous pressure, which can lead to mental health problems. The …
workers can face tremendous pressure, which can lead to mental health problems. The …
Predictors of self-compassion in endometriosis: the role of psychological health and endometriosis symptom burden
STUDY QUESTION What is the relationship between self-compassion, endometriosis-
related symptoms and psychological health in women with symptomatic endometriosis …
related symptoms and psychological health in women with symptomatic endometriosis …
[HTML][HTML] Self-Compassion during COVID-19 in non-WEIRD countries: A narrative review
Y Kotera, A Kirkman, J Beaumont, MA Komorowska… - Healthcare, 2023 -
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic impacted people's mental health
negatively worldwide, including in non-WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich and …
negatively worldwide, including in non-WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich and …
Psychosocial impacts of being nil‐by‐mouth as an adult: A sco** review
EC Hepper, J Wilson, M Drinnan… - Journal of Advanced …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Aim To map existing evidence and identify gaps in the literature concerning psychosocial
impacts of being nil by mouth (NBM) as an adult. Design A sco** review of the literature …
impacts of being nil by mouth (NBM) as an adult. Design A sco** review of the literature …
Self‐compassion and psychological distress in chronic illness: A meta‐analysis
Objectives Self‐compassion is a positive psychological factor linked to improved physical
and psychological outcomes across different chronic illness populations. However, the …
and psychological outcomes across different chronic illness populations. However, the …
Is self-compassion associated with lower psychological distress in people with long COVID? Results from a cross-sectional survey
L Bodini, C Bonetto, M Colombi, N Barbieri… - Cogent …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract Long COVID affects approximately 10–20% of COVID-19 patients and has a
devastating impact on their quality of life and mental health. This study aimed to evaluate …
devastating impact on their quality of life and mental health. This study aimed to evaluate …
Network intervention analysis of anxiety-related outcomes and processes of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for anxious cancer survivors
Abstract Objective Psychotherapies like Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) are
thought to target multiple clinical outcomes by intervening on multiple mechanistic process …
thought to target multiple clinical outcomes by intervening on multiple mechanistic process …