Variational quantum algorithms
Applications such as simulating complicated quantum systems or solving large-scale linear
algebra problems are very challenging for classical computers, owing to the extremely high …
algebra problems are very challenging for classical computers, owing to the extremely high …
Noisy intermediate-scale quantum algorithms
A universal fault-tolerant quantum computer that can efficiently solve problems such as
integer factorization and unstructured database search requires millions of qubits with low …
integer factorization and unstructured database search requires millions of qubits with low …
Challenges and opportunities in quantum machine learning
At the intersection of machine learning and quantum computing, quantum machine learning
has the potential of accelerating data analysis, especially for quantum data, with …
has the potential of accelerating data analysis, especially for quantum data, with …
An optical neural chip for implementing complex-valued neural network
Complex-valued neural networks have many advantages over their real-valued
counterparts. Conventional digital electronic computing platforms are incapable of executing …
counterparts. Conventional digital electronic computing platforms are incapable of executing …
Generalization in quantum machine learning from few training data
Modern quantum machine learning (QML) methods involve variationally optimizing a
parameterized quantum circuit on a training data set, and subsequently making predictions …
parameterized quantum circuit on a training data set, and subsequently making predictions …
Quantum machine learning
Fuelled by increasing computer power and algorithmic advances, machine learning
techniques have become powerful tools for finding patterns in data. Quantum systems …
techniques have become powerful tools for finding patterns in data. Quantum systems …
Supervised learning with quantum-enhanced feature spaces
Abstract Machine learning and quantum computing are two technologies that each have the
potential to alter how computation is performed to address previously untenable problems …
potential to alter how computation is performed to address previously untenable problems …
Cost function dependent barren plateaus in shallow parametrized quantum circuits
Variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) optimize the parameters θ of a parametrized
quantum circuit V (θ) to minimize a cost function C. While VQAs may enable practical …
quantum circuit V (θ) to minimize a cost function C. While VQAs may enable practical …
Hybrid quantum-classical algorithms and quantum error mitigation
Quantum computers can exploit a Hilbert space whose dimension increases exponentially
with the number of qubits. In experiment, quantum supremacy has recently been achieved …
with the number of qubits. In experiment, quantum supremacy has recently been achieved …
Quantum machine learning in feature hilbert spaces
A basic idea of quantum computing is surprisingly similar to that of kernel methods in
machine learning, namely, to efficiently perform computations in an intractably large Hilbert …
machine learning, namely, to efficiently perform computations in an intractably large Hilbert …