Synthetic biology: bottom-up assembly of molecular systems
The bottom-up assembly of biological and chemical components opens exciting
opportunities to engineer artificial vesicular systems for applications with previously unmet …
opportunities to engineer artificial vesicular systems for applications with previously unmet …
Interface engineering in multiphase systems toward synthetic cells and organelles: From soft matter fundamentals to biomedical applications
Synthetic cells have a major role in gaining insight into the complex biological processes of
living cells; they also give rise to a range of emerging applications from gene delivery to …
living cells; they also give rise to a range of emerging applications from gene delivery to …
Macromolecular design and preparation of polymersomes
From drug delivery to nanoreactors and protocells, polymersomes have gained
considerable interest from researchers due to their novel applications. However, one of the …
considerable interest from researchers due to their novel applications. However, one of the …
Heterogeneous synthetic vesicles toward artificial cells: engineering structure and composition of membranes for multimodal functionalities
The desire to develop artificial cells to imitate living cells in synthetic vesicle platforms has
continuously increased over the past few decades. In particular, heterogeneous synthetic …
continuously increased over the past few decades. In particular, heterogeneous synthetic …
Light‐Driven Proton Transfer for Cyclic and Temporal Switching of Enzymatic Nanoreactors
Temporal activation of biological processes by visible light and subsequent return to an
inactive state in the absence of light is an essential characteristic of photoreceptor cells …
inactive state in the absence of light is an essential characteristic of photoreceptor cells …
Application of polymersomes in membrane protein study and drug discovery: Progress, strategies, and perspectives
Membrane proteins (MPs) play key roles in cellular signaling pathways and are responsible
for intercellular and intracellular interactions. Dysfunctional MPs are directly related to the …
for intercellular and intracellular interactions. Dysfunctional MPs are directly related to the …
Synthesis and complex self-assembly of amphiphilic block copolymers with a branched hydrophobic poly (2-oxazoline) into multicompartment micelles, pseudo …
D Daubian, J Gaitzsch, W Meier - Polymer Chemistry, 2020 - pubs.rsc.org
We report on the synthesis and self-assembly of poly (ethylene oxide)-block-poly (2-(3-
ethylheptyl)-2-oxazoline)(PEO-b-PEHOx), a new amphiphilic diblock copolymer obtained via …
ethylheptyl)-2-oxazoline)(PEO-b-PEHOx), a new amphiphilic diblock copolymer obtained via …
Visible Light‐ATRP Driven by Tris (2‐Pyridylmethyl) Amine (TPMA) Impurities in the Open Air
Atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) of oligo (ethylene oxide) monomethyl ether
methacrylate (OEOMA500) in water is enabled using CuBr2 with tris (2‐pyridylmethyl) amine …
methacrylate (OEOMA500) in water is enabled using CuBr2 with tris (2‐pyridylmethyl) amine …
Stretched or wrinkled? Looking into the polymer conformation within polymersome membranes
C Effenberg, J Gaitzsch - Soft Matter, 2024 - pubs.rsc.org
Self-assembly of amphiphilic block-copolymers into polymersomes is a well-established
concept. In this membrane, the hydrophilic part is considered to be loosely assembled …
concept. In this membrane, the hydrophilic part is considered to be loosely assembled …
Artificial Organelles with Orthogonal‐Responsive Membranes for Protocell Systems: Probing the Intrinsic and Sequential Docking and Diffusion of Cargo into Two …
The challenge of effective integration and use of artificial organelles with orthogonal‐
responsive membranes and their communication in eukaryotic protocells is to understand …
responsive membranes and their communication in eukaryotic protocells is to understand …